I have been working on an update to RLN, that includes the new crops (carrot, beetroot, parsnips) and also is compatible with EnhancedAnimalSystem v I'm still testing, but so far no problems.
Thank you for your work. Were you also able to improve the order behavior? we were able to improve the order behavior with RLN at least a little with the Better Contracts mod. Every year at the turn of the year we have a small problem with the lease fields on the server that we always have to solve manually. The next day there are no more problems. We can't yet say what the problem is.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit. Konnten Sie auch das Aufträge verhalten verbessern?Wir konnten durch den Mod Better Contracts das Aufträge verhalten mit RLN wenigstens ein bischen verbessern. Wir haben auf dem Server ja auch jedes Jahr beim Jahreswechsel ein kleines Problem mit den Pachtfeldern das wir dann immer manuell lösen müssen. Am Tag darauf gibt es dann keine Probleme mehr. Was dabei das Problem ist können wir noch nicht sagen.
We haven't heard from you for a long time and hope you are well? On our server, the version we have customized is still running very well. Only at the turn of the year we always have to manually correct something because of the lease, but otherwise OK. Now our question is whether you also intend to include everything for the new DLC with carrots and so on for the RLN? that would certainly please a lot of people. It will certainly be another year before the new LS version ;-)
Best regards and thanks for your work.
JS39 and the team of the Real LS Server JS39 Agrar.
wir haben schon lange nichts mehr von Ihnen gehört und hoffen es geht Ihnen gut? Bei uns auf Server läuft die von uns etwas angepasste Version nach wie vor Sehr gut. Nur beim Jahreswechsel müssen wir immer manuell wegen der Pacht etwas nachkorigieren aber sonst OK. Nun unsere Frage ob Sie für den RLN auch für das neue DLC mit Karotten und soweit vor haben alles mit einzupflegen? das würde sicher sehr viele freuen. Bis zur neuen LS Version wird ja sicher nochmal ein Jahr vergehen ;-)
Hi there, yes I'm healthy and in good spirit. Thank you for your concern. Unfortunately I have not been able to find time for modding or play the last 6 months due to increased work duties. Two colleagues have past away and one has been laid off, so a lot more work to the rest of us.
I continue to hope that I will be able to find time for more modding and more play. But I have a great deal of new things to catch up with, new fruits and more.
Hello and thanks for the feedback. Our condolences to your colleagues and of course business always comes first. It's no different for me either. I would also like to do a lot more but I always lack the time. That's why I do everything in small steps as best I can ;-)
Despite the stress of everyday life, we would like to wish you and your family a wonderful pre-Christmas period and a Merry Christmas. We are glad that there are people who enjoy improving the game for real players like us. Best regards Frank alias JS39 and Co.
Hallo und Danke für die Rückmeldung. Unser Beileid für die Kollegen und das Berufliche geht natürlich immer vor. Ist bei mir auch nicht anders. Ich würde auch gerne viel mehr machen aber mir fehlt es an der Zeit immer. Darum alles in kleinen Schritten so gut es geht ;-)
Trotz des Alltagsstress möchten Wir Ihnen und Ihrer Familie eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit wünschen und dann auch Frohe Weihnachten. Wir sind froh das es Menschen gibt die Spaß daran haben das Spiel noch zu verbessern für Realspieler wie uns. Beste Grüße Frank alias JS39 und Co.
As a heads up, they also made so cows will eat more after birth and produce less milk when reproduction is at 80% and 90%. This results in less milk on average because of the two months with less production.
Since your mod already considers the average values of the whole year I chose to disable these new features (not hard to disable them), otherwise it would be more complicated to make the mods compatible right?
What file do you use for my_animalTypes.xml then? Because RLN always returns an error when loading animals since the newer versions of Ehanced Animal System include male animals, goats and ducks. Basically their own animals.xml.
I think it needs a new file to put in modSettings but I don't know how to configure it.
Only way I got it to work was by using older versions or preventing Enhanced Animal System from overwriting the animals.xml file of the map.
I have not used the new version of Enhanced animal systems. But, any time a mod or map uses customized or extended animals, the xml file my_animalTypes.xml needs to be extended. This is so if there are new types of animals or if the default specifications are altered, like if there are modifications to the number of age steps for input and output.
I will try and use the latest version of Enhanced animal systems and see what can be done.
If the map modifies the animals, and then two mods try to change the parameters as well, it is bound to cause problems.
I expect that new filltypes will be modifiable. If so, I will work on such an update.
I use the mod Enhanced Animal System together with RLN. I have not noticed any issues between the two mods. I recall that I edited the size of pig litters inside the mod itself (not in RLN) to fit the average in my country.
We use on servers also the RLN together with the Enhanced animal system but still the old version in which there are so to speak only female animals and have also changed a lot since the standard mod the chickens get young and either they are then glucken the eggs hatch or laying hens lay the eggs to sell these. So we decided that we use 2 kinds of stables That means the laying hens only lay eggs for sale and do not get offspring and in fattening
Hellom I created a temporary account because it is impossible to reset password on this site apparently.
Is it possible to change the prices of fillTypes added by DLC like the productions from the Platinum Expansion or the upcoming carrots, parsnips, and red beet from the Premium Expansion?
Have you seen the mod Enhanced Animal System? It adds male and female animals for any map. I think it uses its own animals.xml instead of the one the map normally uses. Can RLN work with it?
Hello JS39:
Just to let you know, that I have read your feedback. For a long time I have not had missions. They all disappeared within minutes when starting on a new map, and never to return. In the start after the launch of FS22 I think there was a fundamental problem with missions. Possibly it was fixed in a game update. But I never really got it working in my games. It is possible that RealLifeNumbers is somehow interfering with missions and that this is the reason why I never get missions in my games.
When I find time, hopefully in July, I will take a look at it. My first step would be to disable the scripts in RLN one-by-one, and see if that changes the situation. You may try that as well.
Hello kahenneberg. Thank you for your answer and also your work. We play on server now already the 2 year in August and have with rln lots of orders but it should be plowed all tires fields. A shame ;-)
I have now deactivated the contracts of rln and get in SP Lots of harvest orders but so far on server also not yet. But maybe there comes only in September what because we play with 10 days per month because our server runs 24/7. You can also follow on Twitch and YouTube as a real game of the IWO in Thuringia 3 but we have the version 1 because we had to adapt some things. I have now adapted the Better Contracts script so that I have real order values in the game again. Vanilla does not work at all. We would be happy if you could look at times about the rlm to adjust this. Would of course then interesting what all was changed because our rln is also no longer quite identical and not the latest version because we only play the one map and adapted some on it. Thanks JS39.
Hello I have a question, we are now in year 2 with rln and have the problem that there are no more harvest orders. They even want you to plow in oats that are ripe with a plow order instead of harvesting. Does anyone else have this problem. We play very real on a server and solve normally all problems somehow. With acquaintances who play without rln there are harvest orders and therefore the assumption.
Best regards and thanks for your work.
Modebcn, I have made some corrections to an xml file. This seems to work for me, but I would like to ask if you could test the modified file. Could you send me an e-mail to the mail address listed at the top of all lua files in RLN? Then I will forward you the corrected file. The corrections incorporates the addition of cats and a few other changes introduced on the latest edition of the Hof Bergmann map.
Modebcn, I have made some corrections to an xml file. This seems to work for me, but I would like to ask if you could test the modified file. Could you send me an e-mail to the mail address listed at the top of all lua files in RLN? Then I will forward you the corrected file. The corrections incorporate the addition of cats and a few other changes introduced on the latest edition of the Hof Bergmann map.
Hello Modebcn, I cannot get the reply button to work, so I answer your comment here. I have not played of the Hof Bergman map for a while and have not updated it because it usually means you have to start over. But I will take a look as soon as I get time. It will not be this weekend, as my sweet wife insists that we take an extended weekend in Tromsø in northern Norway.
Hello, I have a problem with your mod in the latest version of FS22 Hof Bergmann with the latest version the game does not go past 60% and I get this on the console (HOF BERGMANN/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua:1812: attempt to concatenate a nil value,) I have everything well installed in their corresponding folders. I've been playing with your mod for a long time because your mod is incredible and I really like the realism it gives to the game, greetings
I have this LUA error when I run the mod together with MaizePlus.
022-12-28 23:05 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua:1788: attempt to index a nil value
You must make sure that the script RealLifeAnimalscaling.lua is the correct version for use with MaizePlus. There is one to use with MaizePlus and another to use without MaizePlus.
And also make sure that the map has the standard set of animals. Maps like HoffBergman and some maps by Cazz64 need special versions of RealLifeAnimalscaling.lua.
If this is not the issue, let me know what map you are playing and I will take a look tomorrow.
Sorry, I was to quick. There is only one version of RealLifeAnimalscaling.lua. But there are several versions of my_animalTypes.xml. You must install the one made for MaizePlus. Please read the install instructions.
Hello Mafagafo, reply did not work, so here is my reply.
I found somewhere a rule-of-thumb that straw yield is about 80% of grain yield, when measured in mass. This was for wheat and barley. I doubt that 80% is a good value for all types of straw. Oat has very light grains (about 0.4 kg / liter), but I expect the straw yield to be almost the same as for barley I'm guessing). For wheat the mass density is about 0.772 kg/Liter. The grain yield is set to 0.4535 Liter/m2. This is for 50% yield, so if you do all field work (plowing, fertilzing etc. the max yield is 0.907 Liters/m2. Multiplying this with the mass density we get 0.772 kg/L * 0.907 Liters/m2 = 0.700 kg/m2 which corresponds to 7000 kg/ha. Since the straw yield is 80% of the grain yield, the straw yield is 0.80*0.700 kg/m2 = 0.56 kg/m2 or 5600 kg/ha. I usually set the density of a straw bale to 0.13 kg/Liter, so 0.56 kg/m2 of straw equals 0.56kg/m2 / 0.13 kg/Liter = 4.3 Liters/m2.
In the xml file my_fruitTypes.xml the litersPerSqm for wheat straw is set at 3.09 Liters/m2. That is a bit less than what I just calculated.
It would be the same calculation for other crops with straw, just with other values.
Hello, is it possible for you to add the values for multiplicaton to get straw yield for crops that don't have it? I want to add straw to other crops, but I have no idea what value I need to multiply the canola's litersPerSqm to get the windrow yield for example.
I tried but I can't understand the 80% of grain yield mass part.
108 Comments for RealLifeNumbers
I have been working on an update to RLN, that includes the new crops (carrot, beetroot, parsnips) and also is compatible with EnhancedAnimalSystem v I'm still testing, but so far no problems.
We haven't heard from you for a long time and hope you are well? On our server, the version we have customized is still running very well. Only at the turn of the year we always have to manually correct something because of the lease, but otherwise OK. Now our question is whether you also intend to include everything for the new DLC with carrots and so on for the RLN? that would certainly please a lot of people. It will certainly be another year before the new LS version ;-)
Best regards and thanks for your work.
JS39 and the team of the Real LS Server JS39 Agrar.
wir haben schon lange nichts mehr von Ihnen gehört und hoffen es geht Ihnen gut? Bei uns auf Server läuft die von uns etwas angepasste Version nach wie vor Sehr gut. Nur beim Jahreswechsel müssen wir immer manuell wegen der Pacht etwas nachkorigieren aber sonst OK. Nun unsere Frage ob Sie für den RLN auch für das neue DLC mit Karotten und soweit vor haben alles mit einzupflegen? das würde sicher sehr viele freuen. Bis zur neuen LS Version wird ja sicher nochmal ein Jahr vergehen ;-)
Beste Grüße und Danke für Ihre Arbeit.
JS39 und das Team vom Real LS Server JS39 Agrar.
As a heads up, they also made so cows will eat more after birth and produce less milk when reproduction is at 80% and 90%. This results in less milk on average because of the two months with less production.
Since your mod already considers the average values of the whole year I chose to disable these new features (not hard to disable them), otherwise it would be more complicated to make the mods compatible right?
What file do you use for my_animalTypes.xml then? Because RLN always returns an error when loading animals since the newer versions of Ehanced Animal System include male animals, goats and ducks. Basically their own animals.xml.
I think it needs a new file to put in modSettings but I don't know how to configure it.
Only way I got it to work was by using older versions or preventing Enhanced Animal System from overwriting the animals.xml file of the map.
Hi awoibrhjpi
I expect that new filltypes will be modifiable. If so, I will work on such an update.
I use the mod Enhanced Animal System together with RLN. I have not noticed any issues between the two mods. I recall that I edited the size of pig litters inside the mod itself (not in RLN) to fit the average in my country.
Hellom I created a temporary account because it is impossible to reset password on this site apparently.
Is it possible to change the prices of fillTypes added by DLC like the productions from the Platinum Expansion or the upcoming carrots, parsnips, and red beet from the Premium Expansion?
Have you seen the mod Enhanced Animal System? It adds male and female animals for any map. I think it uses its own animals.xml instead of the one the map normally uses. Can RLN work with it?
Hello, just wanted to check in again. In the new month we now have again 3 harvest orders to thresh after 10 days in August it is now september.
Hello JS39:
Just to let you know, that I have read your feedback. For a long time I have not had missions. They all disappeared within minutes when starting on a new map, and never to return. In the start after the launch of FS22 I think there was a fundamental problem with missions. Possibly it was fixed in a game update. But I never really got it working in my games. It is possible that RealLifeNumbers is somehow interfering with missions and that this is the reason why I never get missions in my games.
When I find time, hopefully in July, I will take a look at it. My first step would be to disable the scripts in RLN one-by-one, and see if that changes the situation. You may try that as well.
Hello I have a question, we are now in year 2 with rln and have the problem that there are no more harvest orders. They even want you to plow in oats that are ripe with a plow order instead of harvesting. Does anyone else have this problem. We play very real on a server and solve normally all problems somehow. With acquaintances who play without rln there are harvest orders and therefore the assumption.
Best regards and thanks for your work.
Thank you kahenneberg for taking the time to update. Everything seems to be working fine now
Hello ako083,
I will look into the new version and see what I can do.
Hello, is there any chance you can update your mod to be compatible with Hof Bergmann 1.2? I can't play it without your awesome edit. Thanks
Modebcn, I have made some corrections to an xml file. This seems to work for me, but I would like to ask if you could test the modified file. Could you send me an e-mail to the mail address listed at the top of all lua files in RLN? Then I will forward you the corrected file. The corrections incorporates the addition of cats and a few other changes introduced on the latest edition of the Hof Bergmann map.
Modebcn, I have made some corrections to an xml file. This seems to work for me, but I would like to ask if you could test the modified file. Could you send me an e-mail to the mail address listed at the top of all lua files in RLN? Then I will forward you the corrected file. The corrections incorporate the addition of cats and a few other changes introduced on the latest edition of the Hof Bergmann map.
Thanks for checking out the mod, have fun in Tromsø.
Hello Modebcn, I cannot get the reply button to work, so I answer your comment here. I have not played of the Hof Bergman map for a while and have not updated it because it usually means you have to start over. But I will take a look as soon as I get time. It will not be this weekend, as my sweet wife insists that we take an extended weekend in Tromsø in northern Norway.
Hello, I have a problem with your mod in the latest version of FS22 Hof Bergmann with the latest version the game does not go past 60% and I get this on the console (HOF BERGMANN/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua:1812: attempt to concatenate a nil value,) I have everything well installed in their corresponding folders. I've been playing with your mod for a long time because your mod is incredible and I really like the realism it gives to the game, greetings
I have this LUA error when I run the mod together with MaizePlus.
022-12-28 23:05 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua:1788: attempt to index a nil value
Hello Mafagafo, reply did not work, so here is my reply.
I found somewhere a rule-of-thumb that straw yield is about 80% of grain yield, when measured in mass. This was for wheat and barley. I doubt that 80% is a good value for all types of straw. Oat has very light grains (about 0.4 kg / liter), but I expect the straw yield to be almost the same as for barley I'm guessing). For wheat the mass density is about 0.772 kg/Liter. The grain yield is set to 0.4535 Liter/m2. This is for 50% yield, so if you do all field work (plowing, fertilzing etc. the max yield is 0.907 Liters/m2. Multiplying this with the mass density we get 0.772 kg/L * 0.907 Liters/m2 = 0.700 kg/m2 which corresponds to 7000 kg/ha. Since the straw yield is 80% of the grain yield, the straw yield is 0.80*0.700 kg/m2 = 0.56 kg/m2 or 5600 kg/ha. I usually set the density of a straw bale to 0.13 kg/Liter, so 0.56 kg/m2 of straw equals 0.56kg/m2 / 0.13 kg/Liter = 4.3 Liters/m2.
In the xml file my_fruitTypes.xml the litersPerSqm for wheat straw is set at 3.09 Liters/m2. That is a bit less than what I just calculated.
It would be the same calculation for other crops with straw, just with other values.
Hello, is it possible for you to add the values for multiplicaton to get straw yield for crops that don't have it? I want to add straw to other crops, but I have no idea what value I need to multiply the canola's litersPerSqm to get the windrow yield for example.
I tried but I can't understand the 80% of grain yield mass part.