Download download Mod pack 'RealLifeNumbers'

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  1. Fatikki 18. 07 2022

    Hi kahenneberg!

    I'm having this error while playing on Italia Emilia map:
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    D:/Mods FS22/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersContractRewards.lua:568: attempt to index local 'contractFruitType' (a nil value)

    Could you help me? The game doesn't totally crash but it freezes for a few seconds then it goes back to normal. But it does happens a lot

    1 replies

  2. kahenneberg 14. 07 2022

    Cannot get the Reply icon to respond.

    JS39, happy to hear that you solved the problem. By default neither chicken nor sheep produce manure or slurry. That is the reason that there are no numbers for these in my script and xml file. You are welcome to send me your modified script. You will find the e-mail at the top of the script.

    2 replies

  3. JS39 13. 07 2022

    Hello have the error or the problem in the script now found itself and supplemented. it now runs on server and liquid manure is also produced by the chickens must only look if the values so everything passz, But maybe I can send it to you and you could look over it. Thank you

  4. JS39 13. 07 2022

    Hello Kaj-Aage Henneberg, we found the chickens in LS22 a bit too unreal since you do not give liquid manure or dung. By the way, we are the group that use your Reallifenumbers mod successfully on a server for a very long time ;-) Forever is also with us.
    But now to our problem. We have now added liquid manure to a large chicken coop (5000 chickens). So manure trigger built and the whole then entered in the animals xml so that a chicken lays less than 28 eggs a month because you should also take into account Mausser and so on. Now in the SP Game with rln everything works great but on server it loads when entering to 60% and then comes an error line 1801 animal Scaling. I have nachgescgaut there it is about liquid manure but since I'm not a scripter I do not know exactly what the problem is and we hope for your help. A real game without rln is unthinkable for us.I post times the error of the client log. In the server game log was nothing to find .
    2022-07-13 00:11 before: Age mth 0 : 5
    2022-07-13 00:11 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
    C:/Users/Frank/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersAnimalScaling.lua:1801: attempt to concatenate a nil value
    2022-07-13 00:15 Application restart (soft restart) We hope you can help us. Best regards JS39 from LS Real

  5. ZhoraPoroh 29. 05 2022

    Hello dear author. Is there any problem with this mod and Precision Farming?

    1 replies

  6. Is there anyway to add a 3rd cycle? trying to make a "geo" for SE USA, and would like to add an additional month in the planting window as well an additional harvesting month, or is there a way to do that currently?

    1 replies

  7. kahenneberg 25. 05 2022

    The new HOFBergmann map is not compatible with RealLifeNumbers. HOFBergmann has a non-standard definition of animals. I will try to make a version of the my_animalsTypes.xml file that works with the HOFBergmann map.

  8. kahenneberg 09. 04 2022

    Hi strauts6,
    My internet is not working. It will be days before I can get a technician to look at it. I will look into this as soon as possble. It is likely a warning, that some parameter is not defined. This happens most often, if you use some of the mods that generate extra contracts.

    1 replies

  9. strauts6 05. 04 2022

    Hi, is it possible to disable mission info output in log file? Log file now consists 99% of this
    2022-04-04 20:23 fertilize
    2022-04-04 20:23 fieldArea = 9.2863
    2022-04-04 20:23 fieldId = 54
    2022-04-04 20:23 vehicleUseCost is not defined
    Sometimes this info is not written to log, but when it is and every 10 in-game minutes, it causes massive stuttering and lag when trying to speed up time.

  10. Fatikki 06. 03 2022

    Thank you for the update!

  11. Fatikki 02. 03 2022

    Hi again! I'm also trying to use lAlt command and it doesn't work at all. Do you think that diferent keyboard language would interfere somehow?

    1 replies

  12. Fatikki 01. 03 2022

    I think I found the conflict. The conflict is with a mod called Net Wrap Addon (It's on the game mod hub)

    Could you perhaps fix it so they can both work? If I'm not mistaken there is also the Twine Wrap Addon made by the same person, so I think it would conflict too!

    1 replies

  13. Fatikki 01. 03 2022

    I think I have a mod conflict but I don't know which one. Could you please help me track it down? I get this error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
    D:/Mods FS22/FS22_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersStorePrices.lua:245: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil) in the RealNumbersStorePrices.lua loading

    While I wait for your answer I will try testing one mod by time

  14. JS39 21. 02 2022

    Hallo, Wir nutzen auf unserem MP Serverspiel ja noch die da die 1.0.0.ja Probleme machte.
    Es ist ja der erweiterte Kreditrahmen normal bis 2 Millionen. Diesen haben wir auf 4 Millionen erhöht da wir auf einer 4 Fachen Karte spielen und bei 0 anfingen. Aber bei 500 Tausend geht nichts mehr beim leihen. Ist da ein Fehler bekannt? Wir werden eventuell mal zum testen auf die ganz neue Version wechseln ob die nun geht. Wir haben in den game Settinges des Servers über FTP im Ordner modSettings den Reallifenumbers Ordner mit den xml reinkopiert. Wenn Du die Log oder was brauchst wo könnte ich Dir das dann hochladen? Danke für Deine Arbeit.
    Hello, We use on our MP server game yes still the because the 1.0.0.ja made problems.
    It is indeed the extended credit line normal to 2 million. We’ve increased this to 4 million because we’re playing on a four-fold card and starting at 0. But at 500 grand, there’s nothing to borrow. Is there a known mistake? We will eventually switch to the new version to test whether it is now possible. We have copied the Reallifenumbers folder with the xml in the game settings of the server via FTP in the modSettings folder. If you need the log or what you need where could I upload it to you then? Thank you for your work.

    1 replies

  15. kahenneberg 19. 02 2022

    Version has been renumbered to version so that the newest version will be listed at the top of the download list. No other changes hav been made. between and

  16. Horpestad 14. 02 2022

    hello, i am having an issue, i added XML files\UK\my_Contracts.xml by mistake, i have deleted it but only if i have XML files\UK\my_animalTypes.xml the XML files\UK\my_Contracts.xml are activated in game i only want the animaltypes, how can i fx the issue??

    1 replies

  17. JS39 12. 02 2022

    Im Mod Settings Ordner ist bei mir reallifenumbers gar nicht angelegt. Nur andere Mods obwohl ich immer mit Reallifenumbers spiele. Sowohl auf Server im MP wie auch im SP.
    In the Mod Settings folder reallifenumbers is not created at all. Only other mods although I always play with reallifenumbers. Both on servers in the MP and in the SP.

    2 replies

  18. JS39 11. 02 2022

    Hallo, wo finde ich den die my_contracts xml file? Habe Sie irgendwie nirgends gefunden.Grüße JS39. Hello, where can I find the my_contracts xml file? I didn’t find you anywhere.Greetings JS39

    1 replies

  19. kahenneberg 09. 02 2022

    Regarding the problem reported by JS39. I experienced a sudden failure in the script RealNumbersContractRewards.lua. 5 minuttes into the game a lot of error messages where written to the log complaining that the calculation of vehicleUseCost failed. I saved the game and stopped it, and reloaded the same game. Then the error messages did not come back. This could possibly be something that is triggered when new missions are generated, and the new missions have not been read into the game. I don't know the answer yet. Just wanted to let you know that I have seen an issue, and is disappeared after restarting the savegame. I will take a closer look in the weekend.

    1 replies

  20. kahenneberg 08. 02 2022

    JS39, for some reason I cannot reply to your posting.

    You error happens at line 526 in the script.

    if fieldArea < RN.contractRewards.SMALL_FIELD[missionName] then

    This line asks if the field area is so small that we should use the high contract rate. This is relevant only to harvest contracts.

    I tested it on a game with a harvest contract for a small field of 4.5 ha. My log file gives me these lines:

    2022-02-08 21:08 Field id = 23
    2022-02-08 21:08 Field area = 4.50 ha
    2022-02-08 21:08 Reward per ha = 102 £/ha
    2022-02-08 21:08 Payment = 458.78 £
    2022-02-08 21:08 Rented equipment deduction = 44.98 £

    The field area is 4.5 ha, so it should apply the high contract rate of 102 £/ha. So it seems to work on my game.

    It would be best if you could mail me the log file and the my_Contracts.xml file.
