Userprofile of ZoltanMolnar
Member since 1 / 2015
Member since 1 / 2015
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About ZoltanMolnar
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Komatsu 941 Wood Harvester
ago almost 10 years
Komatsu 941 Wood Harvester
ago almost 10 years
Komatsu 941 Wood Harvester
ago almost 10 years
Komatsu 941 Wood Harvester
ago almost 10 years
Komatsu 941 Wood Harvester
ago almost 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years
ago about 10 years -
ago about 10 years
Mod: Neue Textur
Super! Great job! Nice Tractor! XD
Mod: The Model 94% ready!
Hello konsti6662!
I hope,today because His got almost the all texture! I am working from early morning! I can not believe how nice he now! :) So later would be there few picture to see how looks he is now! The texture 96% or something like that! :D
Mod: (In Game)
Hello der hollzfaller!
Just few days left and comes the beta!
Mod: (In Game)
hello konsti6662!
Please give me a little bit more information and we will see it! Now I just do not know what do you mean! You know,for you or the komatsu?!See you!:)
Mod: (In Game)
Hey Creative Farmer!
It is the same one, you will see it later!
Mod: New Update!
haha! Thanks! In Maya much beter! :)
Mod: New Update!
Thank you Lambofreak! :)
Mod: New Update!
Thank you! The 941 future is can be much if it would be make a good job in the game! But as the PonsseScorpion, the 941 will has every functions what just he can! I cannot tell you more for now! But soon I will be able to speak from these things! So keep up the checking! Later there would be another Models to! I love Modeling and the Forest Machines! These machine makes me happy, how nice can be a big metal! Anyway, I am a Welder so i love every things like this! :) Have nice day See you!
Mod: PonsseBear8W
just need to set the grab arm rot minimum a bit and it is work!
Mod: PonsseBear8W
On the new version, yes! Sure, It is works now just the vertexpivot was change to stop it.
Mod: PonsseBear8W
Course you can! Just the wheels was changed! Tire track on the ground. Camera added! They are one Family! PonnseBear6W and 8W brothers! They are always be the same one! Now I just work on the crane a bit and the cabin inside. His got one more display, and..... ! I want to finish everything and go for texturing. I work on other mod to, so I try to be fast how I just can!
Mod: PonsseBuffalo6W
Use it for whatever you want!
It is just for fun!
Build or change whatever you want on it!
Mod: PonsseBear6W
Keep up the list! I save it and the new version will have all of them! Thanks all of you! You are Great guys!
Mod: PonsseBear6W
Will be there. It is under the modeling!(I didnt say nothing):> Need time!
I wan to modeling all of version! :>
Mod: PonsseBear6W
His need texture and after just!
Mod: PonsseBear6W
Thank you so much!
Im so happy if you enjoy my mod!
This mod not finished at all, and if everyboby give me informations then it can be even better!
In one person sometimes just hard to do it! And the Time always! But I try to be fast and share more and more things!The last time I promised a new arm sistem,and now here! I saved your comment and keep it in my had!
Thank you!
Mod: PonsseBear6W
Hello guys! I hope you like The Little Ponsse! But if you do not, it just okey to! But tell me how you like it, and what do you think! If you upload somewhere, please do not forget my Name! I work so many project in one time, so if there is any problem, Im Sorry! For me everytime was 100% work in game! I will keep up the work!
So test and test! The Mod will be in the WIP still! Pictures,Videos,The Work, Always will be upload!
Thanks again!
Mod: PonsseBear6W
I do that. The trees has a good weight what the ponsse cant keep. There would be a special weight just for the ponsse!
So after ponsse got weight plus, the arm will move agant. So again I do that to save game play. Give me a little time please.
Mod: PonsseBear6W
The PonsseBear what you see just mine!I created and I keep it up!
The ponsseBear 1 and 1.2 mine to! if you asked that!
Mod: Ponsse Bear
The PonsseBear in the WIP!
Hope it is show up soon!
Mod: Ponsse Bear
------------------(Ponsse Bear 1.3 => )-----------------