Userprofile of Xandoria
Member since 1 / 2017

Punkte: 12
Level 1
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About Xandoria

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  1. Xandoria 30. 12 2021

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    Hello, I love your mod. I have noticed though that I cannot see the other driver's name. Could you please add the possibility to display their full name instead of just "P"? And it seems that I cannot see the equipment name that other players have attached to their tractor (the cultivator for example). Is it possible to add the equipment name also?

    1 replies

  2. Xandoria 21. 12 2021

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    Hello, I would like to replace "km" by "km/h" for the speed of the vehicle. I tried to change it in the vehicleInspectorSettings.xml with <speed string="km/h"/> but it does not seem to work in game...

    1 replies

  3. Xandoria 30. 03 2020

    Mod: Info Menu
    This mod should be an in-game feature ! Very useful for maps with plenty of fruits.

  4. Xandoria 25. 11 2019

    Sugar should be needed too :)

  5. Xandoria 15. 10 2019

    Mod: Wine Factory
    Bitte erstellen Sie einen Supermarkt oder eine einfach platzierbare gelbe und schwarze Zone, in der wir die Produkte Ihres Mods verkaufen können.

  6. Xandoria 27. 04 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    Flying tree at: 1140, 828

  7. Xandoria 20. 04 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    - Teleport to "Hafen" (the west one) brings you under the map
    - Teleport to the one of the Garden Center spots gets you stuck
    - Red cabbage does not seem to grow properly, it becomes ready to harvest before the crops get to their biggest state
    - did someone manage to load yoghurts from the Molkerei? The trigger does not seem to work with my trailer.

  8. Xandoria 09. 04 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    Hello GMCW,
    I have sent you a PM but maybe you have not seen it. I would very much like to publish the French translation of your v6.0 map on Modhoster. May I do that?

  9. Xandoria 27. 01 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    Remaining bugs:
    - Flying tree at X: -800.3 Z: 901.115
    - White lines are slightly above ground at the Sky Market parking lot
    - Concrete needs to be flattened around unloadingSationFarmer1 at GueterBhf
    - It is very difficult to tip the cereals at the Brennerei, could you please modify the triggers so that we don’t have to move the tipper sideway to tip?
    - We get stuck in the foliage when we teleport to the Biergarten Wessermühle
    - There is a horse without texturing (all white without eyes)
    - Pigstraw does not appear above ground in the pig’s pen when we tip the straw
    - We don’t seem to be able to get water from the rivers or lakes on the map

    I have modified your modDesc.xml file to add many missing translations (in English and in French).
    Here is the file if you don’t mind adding the modifications to your next version of the map:

    1 replies

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