Userprofile of weißblau97
Member since 8 / 2013

Punkte: 275
Level 6
Rank: #7938
First name: Johannes Age & Gender: 28 m City: Ammerthal Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About weißblau97

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  1. weißblau97 13. 05 2016

    Mod: Renault Range T Original Interior
    Nice mod, apart from what the others said (analog dash not working properly, steering wheel etc.) i really like it! If there may comes a final version with those thing fixed, let me know! I'll be the first to download, great work!

  2. weißblau97 13. 05 2016

    Mod: Renault Range T Original Interior
    Oleg, look. Even if, and I'm saying 'if' because i haven't seen ScaniaL 'stealing' somebodys mod by now, probably a lot of people will still download this mod rather then yours. It's a good base, most of the stuff on it works, it looks good and it's for free. And i guess that the very last point makes the difference. As a matter of facts and beeing a modder, i know that people don't want to 'buy' mods. And as a modder i don't even want them to buy. Of course it's hard work and sometimes you feel like you should get money for it, but our task is to improve the game with our material and let all the others take part and share the joy you get with our mods. So anyway, this is no critisism on you or anybody. It is just a fact that they do like this mod and that people don't want to buy a mod which is the same as a pdlc of SCS.

  3. weißblau97 21. 01 2016

    Mod: Farmtech TDK 900
    Super Mod, wirklich schön und detailliert! Funzt auch alles wie es soll, wirklich sehr toller Mod! :)

  4. weißblau97 02. 03 2014

    Mod: Kenworth T660
    schöner Truck, funktioniert leider nicht auf der neuen Beta-Spielversion, vielleicht dann in der richtigen!

  5. weißblau97 29. 01 2014

    Mod: BMW X5 E70 With
    Schön anzuschauen, aber leider stürzt das Spiel ab. Version Leider leider, hoffentlich kommt eine neue Version! desweil leider nur 2 von 5 Sterne!

  6. weißblau97 19. 01 2014

    Mod: Addon MB MP4
    im Video schön, funktioniert aber leider nicht :(

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