Userprofile of tjdinmaine
Member since 3 / 2012

Punkte: 86
Modder Level 4
Rank: n/a
First name: tom Age & Gender: 39 m City: lee Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About tjdinmaine

no entry
  1. tjdinmaine 17. 01 2017

    Mod: Holmfarming US
    Uses my storage building near the animals :)..I was suprised to drive through a new map and find my building. Nice job on the map!

    1 replies

  2. tjdinmaine 17. 01 2017

    Mod: Holmfarming US
    Uses my storage building near the animals :)..I was suprised to drive through and see a building i made in your map :)
    ...Very nice job by the way

  3. tjdinmaine 25. 12 2016

    Mod: Mercedes Unimog 1600 4 variants
    Absolutely GREAT model....Really, BEAUTifully modeled...dont let these rude *ssh*l*s take the fun out of it for you. Unforunately i get a .Lua call stack error a mile long, and when i try to use it my frames drop from 140+, to around 10-11...PLEASE ignore these rude folks and work out the few bugs...Perhaps some of the more knowledgeable modders in the community could reach out and try to fix this lovely machine...Thank you for your many hours of effort to bring this to us!...It is greatly appreciated even if some of these comments would seem otherwise.

  4. tjdinmaine 04. 12 2016

    Mod: Small storage building
    THis building is made from scratch , it is NOT the ingame model.

  5. tjdinmaine 03. 02 2015

    Mod: John Deere 548H
    Excellent machine..No complaints, as mentioned before it would be nice if the grapple would float for the pivot joint, until someone tackles that, it works perfectly well so long as you plan your route and minimize your turning. 5/5...Been waiting for a decent skidder, now if someone can figure out how to do a cable skidder my forestry operation will be complete

  6. tjdinmaine 18. 11 2013

    Mod: IHC 745s pack
    here is the moreRealistic game engine, actually now i belive one is hosted here on modhoster as well but i do not have the link. Just search it.

  7. tjdinmaine 21. 03 2012

    Mod: Beacons View Dairy Farm
    where can i get the forks for the telehandler that will pick up the cows silage, and actually be able to dump it in the trough?

  8. tjdinmaine 17. 03 2012

    Mod: HoT online farm (HoF)
    unfortunately, i cant download this in the US, wont work here, most of the best mods seem to be the same way.

  9. tjdinmaine 17. 03 2012

    Mod: Harvest time
    i have a newer version up, please download that instead!!! Also please feel free to send me a message withany issues or suggestions

  10. tjdinmaine 16. 03 2012

    Mod: Harvest time
    statt erniedrigender der Karte, wie über einige Dinge, die ich tun, damit es besser, wie ich gesagt hätte, dies ist mein erster Versuch, eine Karte. Soweit manysilo, für mich hat es einwandfrei funktioniert. Bitte senden Sie mir eine Nachricht mit allen Problemen oder Anregungen. -google translate

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