I Feel sLOVEnia
Hey the map is great. but I can only get part of it to work. I am not the best with computers but if someone maybe could tell me what is causing it to play part and when you go to the farm it stops working. please help so I can play the map. Thanks ..
Somewhere in Bavaria
the map is "great" but there is a problem when I go up to the village by the farm my game stops. but I can go everywhere else. could someone help.thanks
Somewhere in Bavaria
When Log is clean, mhm... It could be your grapficcard. The same problem was at the Wildbach-Map. The waterplane was buggy. The problem occured with ati gpus...
@ Tatorhead1 you have to unpack the rar folder.
Inside the rar you have the mods as a zip folder. Copy them in your mods folder--->finished
Mod: SRS Money
Could someone please tell me how to open the garage doors
Mod: TSL Ball Trailer - Trailer
any way at all to make it work on 2013 , best bale trailer I have seen yet. nice job....
Mod: I Feel sLOVEnia
Hey the map is great. but I can only get part of it to work. I am not the best with computers but if someone maybe could tell me what is causing it to play part and when you go to the farm it stops working. please help so I can play the map. Thanks ..
Mod: Somewhere in Bavaria
the map is "great" but there is a problem when I go up to the village by the farm my game stops. but I can go everywhere else. could someone help.thanks
Mod: Polish Climate Forest
need password please
Mod: Leniewo
DOSE any one know where you can load saved fruits on this map.
Mod: Eicher 3066A
tried it ,but it came up an error on log txt, would not work
Mod: D98 Map
when you buy new things they show up outside the mouantians and you can not get them in
Mod: ImagionLand
would you please download this as a zip. i do not know how to do rar files. thanks very much
Mod: Farmland
i do not know how to convert rar mods. any chance you might do a reg direct save download. thanks
Mod: Farmers Hill
there is no place on the fields to buy them.
Mod: Upper Erlbach
this is a great map, but you can not buy the fields to plow them, you can pick them. any suggestion!