Userprofile of Silverookie
Member since 4 / 2013

Punkte: 2
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: no entry Age & Gender: m City: Alberta Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Silverookie

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  1. Silverookie 17. 05 2013

    Mod: Case IH Quadtrac 600
    Can someone please explain to me why i can not get the rear view camera to work? I buy the tractor start it up and begin to drive. I have nothing attached at either end and when i hit the #9 key all i get is the rear view camera outline It wont show a separate picture from behind the tractor. i do have a mod called "zzz_SideMirrors" installed could this be causing my problem?

  2. Silverookie 07. 05 2013

    Mod: John Deere 9870 BETA
    nice mod i have a few suggestions regarding the textures, try to fix them so the entire combine dosn't look "whitewashed" i noticed in particular there is no detail in the wheels. The bolts, rims, tires all blend together. I noticed the top part of the hopper is a bright green while the rest is a faded "white" green blend these together. Also try adding some particle effect on the tires for dust when driving in the field and fix the placement of the exhaust particles they seem to be starting in front of the exhaust pipe. For the lights have the front and back separate and add turn signals as well. Last thing is the auger in the hopper complete?

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