Userprofile of Rubberduck2
Member since 3 / 2014
featured Horsch Pronto9m
v 2.40 Downloads today61,214 Downloads total103 commentsUser rating152 said thankspublished Fri, 27 Nov 2015 16:53:30 GMT in - SeedersBy popular demand, here the conversion of the original Direct sowing Horsch_Pronto9m from LS2013. Now with color selection. Three models to choose from: 1. With no-till and direct fertilization...
featured Ponsse Scorpion
v 1.20 Downloads today16,670 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating32 said thankspublished Thu, 01 Oct 2015 01:03:58 GMT in - Other manufactorsHere the original Ponsse Scorpion. Version 1.0: 1) Color selection 2) No more slipping on a slope. Login is error-free. Other Publications in other forums only with original download link!
featured Horsch Pronto 18m
v 2.20 Downloads today110,336 Downloads total163 commentsUser rating161 said thankspublished Fri, 11 Sep 2015 02:57:00 GMT in - SeedersHere the conversion of Direct sowing Horsch_Pronto18m from LS2013. You can process all standard fruits. Permission of Urmodders exists. Thanks to Rall I. Version 2.0 1) Both drill, with direct...
New Holland CR1090 Turbo
v 1.00 Downloads today4,524 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating13 said thankspublished Wed, 09 Sep 2015 07:30:54 GMT in - New HollandHere the NewHolland CR1090 with the three cutting plants Draper45FT, Varifeed 41ft, 980 CF12R. Version 1.0 Model "Turbo": 1) choice of color 2) road speed 45 km / h 3) Field speed 15 km / h 4...
Case IH Axial Flow 9230
v 4.2 Model "Turbo"0 Downloads today15,975 Downloads total60 commentsUser rating50 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Sep 2015 19:28:51 GMT in - CaseHere the Case IH Axial-Flow 9230 with the cutters Case IH 3162 and Capello Quasar HS16. Version 4.1 Model "Normal": 1) road speed increases. 2) reapers, braking, ride changed. 3) seats have...
featured Grimme Pack
v 1.40 Downloads today23,469 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating76 said thankspublished Mon, 24 Aug 2015 19:54:59 GMT in - Other manufactorsHere the two Grimme Maxtron 620 and 415 as Tectron Pack. Both have the version 1.4 and there were both still eliminates several errors. Log is error-free. Who holds the Mod unrealistic, it...
featured Grimme Maxtron 620
v 1.30 Downloads today17,526 Downloads total52 commentsUser rating85 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Aug 2015 19:44:04 GMT in - Other manufactorsHere he is, the much desired Grimme Maxtron 620th Have fun with the beet harvest. 1) choice of color 2) 9m cutterbar 3) road speed 35km / H 4) Field speed 15km / H Increased 5) Unloading speed...
Horsch Tiger 10 LT
v 1.00 Downloads today3,194 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Sun, 16 Aug 2015 20:55:04 GMT in - Cultivators & HarrowsHere the original Horsch Tiger 10 LT. 1) choice of color 2) removes an existing fertilizer texture. Log is error-free. Other Publications in other forums only with original download link!
featured Grimme Tectron 415
v 1.30 Downloads today17,235 Downloads total45 commentsUser rating100 said thankspublished Fri, 14 Aug 2015 14:35:35 GMT in - Other manufactorsHere the Grimme Tectron 415 a 9m cutterbar. I was inspired by the mod Dimanix with its 9m cutterbar. As I stood out some errors in his mod that have not been resolved until now, I thought to myself...
Poettinger Vitasem 302 ADD
v 1.00 Downloads today1,708 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Fri, 07 Aug 2015 12:44:51 GMT in - SeedersHere is the ultimate seed drill Pöttinger Vitasem 302 ADD to start or for small businesses. The following has been changed: 1) choice of color 2) shine away 3) All Standard Fruit Matched 4) Price...
NewHolland TC5.90
v 1.10 Downloads today2,002 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Mon, 20 Jul 2015 21:10:44 GMT in - New HollandHere the NewHolland TC5.90 with his two cutters Varifeed 18FT and 980CF 6R. Color choice Colored seats Changed reapers Increased unloading rate Dirt-time somewhat reduced Login is error-free...
featured New Holland CR1090
v 1.30 Downloads today11,015 Downloads total9 commentsUser rating27 said thankspublished Mon, 20 Jul 2015 14:51:31 GMT in - New HollandHere the NewHolland CR1090 with the three cutters Draper45FT, Varifeed 41ft, 980 CF12R. Version 1.0 Model "Standard": 1. Color choice Edited 2 reapers 3. Unloading speed increases Login is error...
Deutz Fahr 7250 TTV
v 1.30 Downloads today2,879 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating7 said thankspublished Thu, 16 Jul 2015 19:07:21 GMT in - Deutz FahrHere the original Deutz Fahr 7250 TTV with color selection.
Lamborghini Mach 230 VRT
v 1.20 Downloads today2,481 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating7 said thankspublished Thu, 16 Jul 2015 19:05:00 GMT in - Same & LamborghiniHere the original Lamborghini Mach 230 VRT with color selection.
Case IH Axial Flow 7130
v 1.00 Downloads today2,042 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating8 said thankspublished Sun, 24 May 2015 16:53:28 GMT in - CaseHere the Case IH Axial Flow 7130 with the cutters Case IH 3020 Case IH and 3412th 1) choice of color 2) road speed increases. 3) operating speed increases. Matched 4) reapers. 5) Unloading speed...
v 2.21 Downloads today2,317 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating11 said thankspublished Sat, 16 May 2015 18:39:28 GMT in - Other manufactorsHere the SampoRosenlew with the cutters SampoRosenlew C6 and Capello Quasar F4. Speed ??increases. Capacity increases. Unloading speed increases. Attributes of the cutters changed. Prices adjusted...
Horsch Terrano8FX
v 1.00 Downloads today2,087 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:37:00 GMT in - Cultivators & HarrowsHere, the conversion of the original cultivator Horsch_Terrano8FX from LS2013. Login is error-free. Other Publications in other forums only with original download link!
Horsch Terrano 15m
v 1.00 Downloads today8,552 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:53:01 GMT in - Cultivators & HarrowsHere, the conversion of the cultivator Horsch_Terrano15m from LS2013. Thanks to the Urmodder Dimanix. Login is error-free. Who holds the Mod unrealistic, it just is not used and saves corresponding...
Amazone ZAM 1501
v 1.00 Downloads today6,628 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating11 said thankspublished Mon, 17 Nov 2014 05:01:45 GMT in - SprayersHere the original fertilizer spreader Amazone ZAM 1501 by the LS2015. The working width was changed from 26m to 30m and Dirt-time has been reduced. Made primarily for my Seeders Horsch_Pronto18m...
Toll barrier Toll Gate
v 1.00 Downloads today4,441 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating8 said thankspublished Mon, 28 Jul 2014 06:20:08 GMT in - OtherNo collision with the barrier more. Barrier still visible and can pay you well. Voted for Scania T riders who have problems when opening the barrier. No collision with the barrier more. Barrier...
Amazon Condor 15001
ago about 6 years
Horsch Pronto 9DC
ago about 6 years
Grimme Maxtron 620
ago almost 8 years
Grimme Maxtron 620
ago almost 8 years
Grimme Maxtron 620
ago almost 8 years
Grimme Maxtron 620
ago almost 8 years
Grimme Maxtron 620
ago almost 8 years
Grimme Maxtron 620
ago almost 8 years
Bird Noot Terra Disc 600
ago almost 8 years
Bird Noot Terra Disc 600
ago almost 8 years
Bird Noot Terra Disc 600
ago almost 8 years
Bird Noot Terra Disc 600
ago almost 8 years
Map of Central - Ohio
ago about 8 years
ago about 8 years
ago about 8 years
Claas Deleto 300
ago about 8 years
ago over 8 years
Suer weights Pack
ago over 8 years
Lamborghini VRT Mach
ago over 8 years
MF 9380 Delta
ago over 8 years
MF 9380 Delta
ago over 8 years
MF 9380 Delta
ago over 8 years
Case IH 7130
ago over 8 years
Case IH 7130
ago over 8 years
Case IH 7130
ago over 8 years
Case IH 7130
ago over 8 years
Case IH 7130
ago over 8 years
Case IH 7130
ago over 8 years
Case IH 7130
ago over 8 years
Case IH 1455XL
ago over 8 years
Mod: Lakeland Vale update 11 by Stevie
Super Map, danke dir.
Mod: Great Hagenstedt
Please make Season ready.
Mod: SellPoint
Bitte noch diesel hinzufügen. Von mir volle Punkte.
Mod: Great Hagenstedt
good map, thanks for the shortcuts. Please no opening hours of the outlets. Courseplay friendly. All points.
Mod: Horse Stable
Hallo NostalgicFarmer,
würde mich freuen wenn du den Stall für das Script "Animal Pen Extension" einrichten könntest. Natürlich jetzt schon volle Punkte und Empfehlung.
Mod: Hagenstedt_Edited
Da hast du recht. Selbst beim Hof habe ich mir ein Teil der Mauer entfernt.
Mod: Dondiego Map
Thanks for the tip. This is also valid for other maps......grandios
Mod: Felsbrunn_Edit_By_MC
Es reicht schon aus, die economy.xml zu löschen.
Mod: New Best-Village v2 Map
Ich habe das pda-Bild hoch geladen. ;-)
Mod: VehicleExplorer
Hallo sperrgebiet,
ich würde mich freuen, wenn der Fehler mit dem switchen beseitigt wird. Auf github wurde der Fehler mehrmals beschrieben, von dir kommt keine Antwort. Man hat den Eindruck, du machst nichts mehr an dem Script.
Mod: Fountain
Klasse Brunnen, vielen Dank, volle Punkte.
Mod: [FBM Team] Small Animal Transporter
Klasse Teil, vielen Dank.
Mod: Amazon Condor 15001
Ich habe oben was zu geschrieben, sorry
Mod: Felsbrunn_Edit_By_MC
Hallo Jürgen,
wie bekommt man den Mist beim Pferdestall weg und wo kann man den verkaufen. Ich habe mehrere Schaufel probiert, geht nicht.
Mod: Felsbrunn_Edit_By_MC
Klasse Map, vielen Dank.
Kleiner Fehler im Pferdestall, die Beschriftung Wasser und Futter sind vertauscht....
Natürlich volle Punkte und Empfehlung.
Mod: Deutz Agrostar 6.61 COLOR EDITION
Klasse Mod, 5/5 und Empfehlung.
Wenn du ganz gut bist, schreibst bei den Extrafarben noch hinten price="1000", dann kosten die auch was. ;-)
Mod: EnhancedVehicle
Funktioniert bei mir einwandfrei.
Mod: DisplayOverviewHud
Mich stört es genauso wie SoA_Schnix, daß bei bestPrices nur der Ort angezeigt wird, aber nicht der Betrag. Somit muss ich das große Fenster auf machen, wo alle Stationen sind, wo ich den Preis sehe. Noch besser wäre, nicht nur der Preis, auch die Pfeile (falls vorhanden) anzuzeigen.
Mod: DisplayOverviewHud
Ja, aber wie hoch der ist wird nicht angezeigt!!!
Wenn man nicht weiß, wieviel Euro man bekommt, nützt es nichts, wenn es der beste Preis ist.
Mod: EnhancedVehicle
Bitte die diff_lock.wav in ogg konvertieren, sonst kommt:
Warning (performance): Raw audio format C:/Users/Frank/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/TSX_EnhancedVehicle/diff_lock.wav
Mod: Peters Mill
Klasse Mod, neben den Thumbs Dateien noch die 3 warnings entfernen (in der xml Gate mit kleinem g schreiben....trotzdem 5/5 und Empfehlung.
Mod: EnhancedVehicle
Da ich nur die Damage-Anzeige brauche, habe ich den Rest auf False gesetzt und an die für mich richtige Position gesetzt. Den Hintergrund habe ich mir transparent gemacht.
In der Beschreibung würde ich noch zufügen, wo sich die xml befindet. ;-)
Danke nochmal für das klasse Script.
Mod: EnhancedVehicle
Super Mod. Schön wäre es, wenn man das Hud per Taste auch ausblenden könnte.
Mod: Fendt Favorit 509C - 520C
Klasse Mod, danke dir, 5* und Empfehlung.
Mod: Bredal Pack OY
Klasse Mod, vielen Dank.
Mod: Deutz Series7
Vorerst danke schon mal, bin gespannt.
Mod: Deutz Series7
Klasse mod. Versuch doch mal den Deutz 661 von Modhub Farbwahl zu verpassen. Würde mich freuen.
Mod: Grimme_Varitron470 MP Mulitcolor
Lesen kannst aber schon, oder?
Schau mal oben in roter Schrift, was da steht!!!
Mod: ToolBox
Klasse Teil, vielen Dank.
Mod: VehicleInspector
Hier die vehicleFruitHudSettings.xml:
<global prozent="true" capacity="true" name="true" txtBold="true" namePosAutoSize="false" namePos="1" colorR="1.000000" colorG="1.000000" colorB="0.000000" colorA="1.000000" schemaZoom="1.000000" schemaFixY="0.005000" schemaFixX="false" schemaPos="2"/>
Hier ein Video, was passiert:!AsCJ7cYOQ2RdknS20AemNFCvPD_B
Mod: VehicleInspector
HappyLooser, schau bei mir unten.....;-)
Mod: VehicleInspector
Der Fehler tritt erst auf wenn ich in der vehicleFruitHudSettings.xml schemaPos="2" oder "3" setze.
Mod: VehicleInspector
Kann ich bestätigen, danke für den Tipp.
Mod: VehicleInspector
Wenn ich F1 zweimal drücke ist der VehicleInspector komplett weg.
Mod: VehicleInspector
Hallo HappyLooser,
die beiden Scripte VehicleInspector und VehicleFruitHud sind einzeln super.
Zusammen stören sie sich, wenn man F1 drückt.....gruss