Member since 10 / 2011
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Mod: Nienborstel Agrartechnik
this is coldbrough park farm not yours
Mod: John Deere 1188 7 20 m
this as been uploaded to every mod site an still dose not work
Mod: John Deere 1188 7 20 m
this mod is sh*t y relase this when it has all errors in it this has just locked my game up big time make sure you test before u upload
Mod: John Deere 1188 7 20 m
it s a shame about this combine can sum fix it other than that looks grate
Mod: SchlauchTrommel
this will be awsome if you can do this i ve been after some one to make one of these this will be great on potatoes this will ad even more realisum to the game i have so many ideas for this game but no one to share them with i m not a modder wish i was keep up the good work with this mod m8y
Mod: Two step rape harvest
is there a combine that can thrash the rape straw once the rape swather as cut it please can sum 1 help