Userprofile of primal_71
Member since 5 / 2014
Member since 5 / 2014
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ago over 10 years
Cat Heavy Hauler
ago over 10 years
Cat Heavy Hauler
ago over 10 years
Cat Heavy Hauler
ago over 10 years
Cat Heavy Hauler
ago over 10 years
Cat Heavy Hauler
ago over 10 years
Cat Heavy Hauler
ago over 10 years
Cat Heavy Hauler
ago over 10 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
budweiser truck and trailer
ago almost 11 years
John Deere Multi Fruit Truck And Trailer Pack
ago almost 11 years
John Deere Multi Fruit Truck And Trailer Pack
ago almost 11 years
John Deere Multi Fruit Truck And Trailer Pack
ago almost 11 years
John Deere Multi Fruit Truck And Trailer Pack
ago almost 11 years
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Mod: John Deere Truck Trailer
this mod has been reported, it is not his mod nor his theme, and he did not ask the permission of the original modder to use...
Mod: John Truck with Trailer
Please remove this mod from all websites, this is my skin and theme from my 2013 mod, and you did not ask permission nor do you have permission to use
Mod: Claas Truck Trailer Pack
you have to unpack the main file. the download file has 4 files inside, one for the truck, dolly, and 2 different trailers. you have to put each file in your mod folder individually, they cant remain in the main download folder.
also this mod is only for FS2013
Mod: Claas Truck Trailer Pack
ty again for your great video's, i see youre getting used to the truck's driving them in first person inside the cab
Mod: Claas Truck Trailer Pack
thats what it's all about, the black looks nice
Mod: Big Paradise Map
i think what bothers people with the name is the confusion, there is a map called paradise 2.0 when you released this map as paradise 3.0 they are assuming that it is the other map. thats probably why their giving you so much grief, paradise 2.0 final is a 4x map with some bug's i think they were hoping those bugs were fixed and it was the actual paradise map
Mod: Cat Heavy Hauler
are you playing a more realistic map?
Mod: Cat Heavy Hauler
has to be a conflict somewhere because it works fine for everyone else
the mod has no errors
Mod: Cat Heavy Hauler
thats the trailer, go into the trailer XML file and raise the downforce. or try my grain trailers :)
Mod: Cat Heavy Hauler
will work on a truck for CLAAS and Fendt, but i think i will find another model to work with, possible a scania longliner.
Mod: Cat Heavy Hauler
allow me to address, your concerns, first off have you ever been to america? and seen our trucks?
second of all if you find so many problems with this mod dont use it :) and third... if you are going to be critical of other peoples work, you better be able to show you can do better :)
Mod: Cat Heavy Hauler
theres allready a Class Style grain trailer out there, but yes i could probably do a CLaSS
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
OK guys lets break it down, Version 1.5 is the truck's and trailers with a capacity of 200,000 liters you can not use a dolly with these trailers it is to unstable.... version 1.6 is a pack with dollys and the trailers have been cut back to 120'000 liters each so you can use the dolly and haul two trailers at a time... the trailers have been renamed so you can have both sets of trailers the 200.000 liter, and the 120,000 liter
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
going to release another pack version with dolly will be seperate from this pack, alot of you guys like useing the dolly and hauling doubles so will get one released
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
a dolly is easy, but you will have to turn down the volume on the trailer down to 100K each max of 120k each
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
New Version Being uploaded...
The trucks were geared way to fast for reverse gear, also cruise control was way off you couldnt unload on the go, so adjusted that as best i could insted of useing key 4 to keep pace with harvester or chafer use key 1 and it will run at a smooth 6MPH... Also included a new truck in pack
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
i've tried tpo work my way through it, but im just unable to get the dolly to stabalize with that kind of weight, i had to adjust the downforce on the trailer and truck just to keep them grounded and stable as it is, pulling that much weight at that speed
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
ok been getting requests for dollys. I made the trailers capacity the size they are to eliminate pulling doubles, i have played around with the dollys and i am able to keep the truck grounded and the trailers grounded but the snapping back and forth with the dolly makes it sorry guy's if you like to use doubles go into the XML back the weight down to 100,000 liters and grab yourself a dolly and pull doubles,
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
they are geared for bigger maps,
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
if you guys are having trouble with the speed of the truck please message me, i will gladly tell you how to turn the truck down or adjust the weight on the trailer where you can tune it to your own needs, it's quick and easy to do, i have set the trucks to my liking which isnt necessarily yours
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
why comment then at all? i play large maps, i like to make less trips. if you dont like the mod please dont use it :) have a great day
Mod: JohnDeere Truck Trailer Pack
New version allready downloaded sorry the decals on the right side of both trucks were facing oppisite direction, trucks are fixed and version 1.1 should be posted soon
Mod: Kenworth Truck Budweiser
i can send you the truck for your personal use, through email, but I am friends with the original modder of the cat pack fleet, i try not to infringe on his mods, he may release it but i wont.. but i am currently working on a new truck for the field work should be released soon
Mod: Budweiser Trailer
it's posted it just uploaded
Mod: Flower beds with walkways
great job, it really dresses up the game, 5 stars
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
any problems with the fruit types please let me know, some fruits require both german and english placed into the XML ran into that with Apfel/apple.. so any conflicts please let me know, every issue thus far i've handled immediatly, and will try to continue to do so... as i said some of these fruits i have no way of testing, so any input from the community will be of great help
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
might be in the future first have to learn how to add those thing's... but theres also some great mods for MR that arent available except for MR, so feel your frustration
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
lime should be in there it's listed under Kalk
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
this should be final version for awhile, added two new fruit types Hops, and Cement also adjusted wheel size to where wheels are now touching the ground, as well as cleaned up some unnecessary files. thank you all for your help and patience, again i apologize for all the versions
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
once again another version, my appologies, but i was able to add hops to the fruit types as requested, thank you again to everyone for all the feedback and requests
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
are you referring to hops the crop, or hop bags ypou get from the landhandl
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
have had several requests for hops to be added to the trailer, so will have that added shortly, once again my appologies for so many changes, but working with so many fruits, im going to forget a few
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
im sorry christopher36, i cant understand what your request is, the translation is poor
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
Sorry about all the update versions guy's but the steering problem is now fixed, thank you all for pointing that out to me..
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
working on fix for the steering wheels right now, will have it fixed soon and another update posted lol
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
version 1.1 is uploaded should be available soon, posted a screenshot as well showing it has been fixed
Mod: Cat Semitrailer C SGW Multi
i agree, bigger isnt always better, 60'000 would be quite nice as well, but i play bigger farms, and bigger capacity trailer fit me well. pulling tow trailers slows down the truck quite a bit, this trailer offers both large capacity and doesnt bog down the semi quite as much