Member since 5 / 2011
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Modders thanks for your mods,i do it like this, begause i cant anser on the forum, or sent pm's anymore some childish/idiot admin dont like me orso,or cant handle adminrights,so he/ banned from the forum ect:S LAME GRTZZ
About NoSurrender
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Mod: grunningermap with v1 DLC2 bga
hey dat is de manege in onstwedde :D
this is in onstwedde :D
Mod: Agriluxfarm map Modpack
i tryed this map also
but i cant go to the shop and i cant save the game:(
Mod: Fendt Trisix
link doesnt work anymore :(
Page not found
Error: 404
Mod: Big Master Chief Kempf III
i dont understand the comments!!
this mod works fine no problems or waht so ever!!!(AMD FirePro V7750 rules) :P
Mod: Mazowsze map
silagepit doesnt work that well, the silage dissapears everytime
Mod: SCANIA P420 8x4
still having call stack :(
Mod: MB Trac 1600 Turbo
nice mod the video is also nice to watch (Y)
Mod: Papenburg Map
dl works fine, no problems at all :)
Mod: Fendt 930 TMS
Error: C:/Users/x/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Fendt930TMSv1/modDesc.xml(29): Error reading end tag.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Fendt930TMSv1
Mod: Real World vs. Playable
hi how can i fix these problems?
or is there a beter version of this map?
Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/x/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Map_RWvsPA_final/fruchtsorten/ryeHud.png
Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/x/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Map_RWvsPA_V3/models/objects/bathtub/bathtubWaterShader.xml'
Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/x/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Map_RWvsPA_V3/models/objects/bathtub/water_diffuse.png
C:/Users/x/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Map_RWvsPA_V3/rwvspa.lua(54) : assertion failed!
Lua: Error running function: draw
Mod: sewi map
i have 1word for it, OMG :P
Mod: Freaky's fair game lu weight
Nur noch eine von Kategorie C (Y)
Mod: * Weight 720 kg ONKELZ *-
Legenden sterben nie!!
Mod: Arcusin Autostack 52
btw, realy nice mod works fine (Y)
Mod: Arcusin Autostack 52
jokkebrok jij hebt zelf ook een map gebouwd :P
Mod: Arcusin Autostack 52
niet al zeuren mike, wrm maak je zelf niet eentje dan?
Mod: Claas Jaguar 980
greg my ESET blocked it right away,
you have the free version right?
Mod: Claas Jaguar 980
yea my ESET says also virus.
barny your right avira let the most viruses pass,
i hat it on my old pc it chashed gause i hat a great virusscanner NOT!!
Mod: Silvermap
this is wath i get when i try to download the map, (502 Bad Gateway)
Mod: Missouri Farm und Ranch überarbeitet
This that case Disaster
Mod: Vervaet with XXL trailer
lol censuur orso? why is my pm deleted by admin?
Mod: Vervaet with XXL trailer
same thing here the trike and tank dont come in the shop,
Warning: converting 'C:/Users/x5570/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Vervaet/modDesc.xml' to utf8
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod Vervaet
i cant start my saved game,
the game crashes everytime under loading and its only wiht this map the other map i can load:(
Mod: VensMap
The requested file isn't available anymore!
Error: 410
Die Datei wurde aus unserem System entfernt
Mod: Fendt Teleskoplader
the download dont work anymore
nice dweep (Y)
maak je ook nog zoiets van claas? ^^
50% of the mods here, are stollen mods from other modders.
but on other site's its the same think.