Citroën C15
stupid !!!
yes you can unauthorise re-upload of your mods but you can't unauthorize personnals reskin or modifications (essentially because you can't pretend to control what someone do at his hom on his own PC)
Haut Beyleron 2025
hope there are no more "US style school buses"
roads signs installed
european (and not asian) "map environement"
and carreer start point at good place (closer to the main farmhouse)
John Deere 435 and 535 Round Baler
after 4 days of "work" on this mod ...
folder and zip clean and correct
category changed into the correct = balersRound l!
wheels = ok (folder must be named Wheels (with "W" not "w")
but...(yes the's one more "but") when buying the baler appear art dealershop with a very bad position (front stacked on floor can't be put on his wheels )
John Deere 435 and 535 Round Baler
you need toi remake zip folder by zipping the elements not the folder itself
and you need to set "category" in "roundbalers" !!
John Deere 435 and 535 Round Baler
mais noon
comme pour tout mod télécharger dans le mod hub
une fois installé dans votre dossier jeu il mods du eu il faut
aller dans ce dossier
chercher le mod
clic droit
Important Messageuse transationnslation if you don't read french
cocher "débloquer le fichier"
cliquezr su "exécuter"
cliquer sur "ok"
et ca marche
et c'est valable sur n'importe quel fichier zip téléchargé hirs mod hub
c'est lié aux no nouveaux paramètres de sécurité apparus depuis windows 10
Ricard Production
be carreful with brands names even they are not in your country they are registered trade marks and their names or visuals have restricted uses !! keep out or I must signal i
Ricard Production
be carreful with brands names even they are not in your country they are registered trade marks and their names or visuals have restricted uses !! keep out or I must signal it
Haut Beyleron 2025
Enfin !!
une première chose : déplacer le point de début de jeu vers la ferme
et une deuxième mettre éventuellement des batiments + style "sud de la France" que ceux proposés (il y en a dans le modhub)
Zielonka Edition
there is an error in the "mod desc" script you type <br> instead of <en> so the map don(t appears in maps selectable when you wish to choose it
i've odificated and tested it and it's ok now
French Regions Flags Pack
I apologize but Provence (PACA) Région's Flag is NOT CORRECT there are no more red and yellow strips (they occure to Occitania region)
merch production
hé là !! tu as pas le droit d'interdire les modifications de mods tu peux seulement interdire la rediffusion du mod original ou modifié
il est completement insensé de vouloir interdire les modifications du moment que les packs ne sont pas redistribué
et prétendre metre jusqu'à 2048 animaux dans un enclos ... c'est à la limitée du crétinisme totla
is it possible to have a reskin adapted for Beyleron (FR) original map? (i e a stone wall apprence on all walls
or may I do it myself and re upload eventually?
Mod: 1970's Farm House
the same with bricks walls is possible ?
Mod: Citroën C15
stupid !!!
yes you can unauthorise re-upload of your mods but you can't unauthorize personnals reskin or modifications (essentially because you can't pretend to control what someone do at his hom on his own PC)
Mod: Haut Beyleron 2025
hope there are no more "US style school buses"
roads signs installed
european (and not asian) "map environement"
and carreer start point at good place (closer to the main farmhouse)
Mod: John Deere 435 and 535 Round Baler
after 4 days of "work" on this mod ...
folder and zip clean and correct
category changed into the correct = balersRound l!
wheels = ok (folder must be named Wheels (with "W" not "w")
but...(yes the's one more "but") when buying the baler appear art dealershop with a very bad position (front stacked on floor can't be put on his wheels )
Mod: John Deere 435 and 535 Round Baler
you need toi remake zip folder by zipping the elements not the folder itself
and you need to set "category" in "roundbalers" !!
Mod: John Deere 435 and 535 Round Baler
mais noon
comme pour tout mod télécharger dans le mod hub
une fois installé dans votre dossier jeu il mods du eu il faut
aller dans ce dossier
chercher le mod
clic droit
Important Messageuse transationnslation if you don't read french
cocher "débloquer le fichier"
cliquezr su "exécuter"
cliquer sur "ok"
et ca marche
et c'est valable sur n'importe quel fichier zip téléchargé hirs mod hub
c'est lié aux no nouveaux paramètres de sécurité apparus depuis windows 10
Mod: Ricard Production
be carreful with brands names even they are not in your country they are registered trade marks and their names or visuals have restricted uses !! keep out or I must signal i
Mod: Ricard Production
be carreful with brands names even they are not in your country they are registered trade marks and their names or visuals have restricted uses !! keep out or I must signal it
Mod: Haut Beyleron 2025
Enfin !!
une première chose : déplacer le point de début de jeu vers la ferme
et une deuxième mettre éventuellement des batiments + style "sud de la France" que ceux proposés (il y en a dans le modhub)
Mod: Pickup Hand Harvester
you need to drive a truck (dump truck) or a trailer closer toi the harvester (rear)
Mod: John Deere Square Baler
don't works on FS25
(dont shown in type (balers) list and don't shown in brand (johndeere) list)
Mod: Zielonka Edition
see my coment i have resolved problem :)
Mod: Zielonka Edition
there is an error in the "mod desc" script you type <br> instead of <en> so the map don(t appears in maps selectable when you wish to choose it
i've odificated and tested it and it's ok now
Mod: French Regions Flags Pack
I apologize but Provence (PACA) Région's Flag is NOT CORRECT there are no more red and yellow strips (they occure to Occitania region)
Mod: John Deere CS 770 Lavender Edition
iit is not realistic to use combine to harvest lavander
a silage combine is more real (and I have see it IRL)
Mod: merch production
hé là !! tu as pas le droit d'interdire les modifications de mods tu peux seulement interdire la rediffusion du mod original ou modifié
Mod: IMT 533
possible to have MF 35
(in the begining of sixties I was REALY seat on one !! )
Mod: Old Farm Package
25 sheep only? or real 250 but bad typing in text?
il est completement insensé de vouloir interdire les modifications du moment que les packs ne sont pas redistribué
et prétendre metre jusqu'à 2048 animaux dans un enclos ... c'est à la limitée du crétinisme totla
Mod: Free range sheep
en fait si on veut qu'un troupeau soit rentable il faut un minimum de 80 têtes ...mais ça c'est dans la vie réelle !!
Mod: Multilager
is it possible to have a reskin adapted for Beyleron (FR) original map? (i e a stone wall apprence on all walls
or may I do it myself and re upload eventually?
Mod: Nowa Bruzda
beautiful but miss vehicles selling point at dealer shop (where player can sold vehicles with a better price)