Member since 5 / 2017
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Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
you know you only can load products with the special designed trailers?
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
Ther's no such setting to slow down vehicle on a field. So i have no idea why your vehicles are slower on some fields. That's a very strange thing.
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
the delivery for animals is up the ramp, you'll need kastor's animal truck for that.
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
i'm not familiar with courseplay , but i have seen there's an update out for courseplay. Did you try that one? Also i have heard that using the custom road trainpack is the most succesfull. You can find that pack on this site also. Just search for custom road traon and try it out
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
Thanks for the idea , but i can go on endless with adding factory's. There's allready allot on the map, but i will consider it if i eventually do an update on the map.
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
this will fix the error in the map and in a header i included in the zipfile.
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
Hi peterman , i know the issue, i'm gald you could solve it yourself. On my facebookpage and pc-sg forum i do little fix updates if neccesary.This dosn't effect the gameplay,only some parts in the map can't find the texture file it needs. Anyway thanks for letting me know
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
hello , the error you get i know off, i will post an update on my facebook page or on the pc-sg forum soon like i said in the discription all update fixes will be found there. But this error doesn't effect the game play or installation. If you have problems, send me your complete log on my facebook page and i will try to help you figuring out the problem
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
you have 3 farmsilo's that each can hold 15 million on products, i think there's more then enough storage.
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
thanks allot , i'm glad you like it
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
if you zoom in the pda map you can see it better , i can't change the way it's written on the pda, i put in the coordinates from the spots and the game does put the names on pda , that's the back side off having allot on the map
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
the weightdisplay i'm aware off, that will be fixed. Biodiesel probably you using a mod that has biodiesel as a filltype and the map doesn't have biodiesel as filltype, that willn't effect your gameplay. The filltype error meat and sausage , do you have the kastor placeables in your modfolder? If you have remove them, that's the reason it gives an error. It's double registering it.
Mod: MavericksMultifruitV1
I'm glad you like the map , thx
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
I just now released a big update for the map.
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
I just did a big update, i have no idea if it has to do with the triggers, but a streamer on youtube that streams my map had the same issue , he use the custom road trains from gtx and courseplay works without a problem. Maybe you should try that mod. It's a really great modpack with all kind of trailers
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
In the nex update that will be solved ,i know the issue.
Mod: ForFarmers Cargobull
yes you can , look at the last picture, it shows the triggers, you have to do it at the outside off the trailer, your engine has to be shut off
Mod: ForFarmers Cargobull
The mod is tested by myself and by a testteam , use the second truck of this mod and it will be fine. They're designed to pull allot of trailers and will pull this one also.
Mod: ForFarmers Cargobull
nobody use them but allready 1200 downloads , isn't that strange?
If you don't like simply walk by to the next mod
Mod: ForFarmers Cargobull
yes you can open the side, there's a picture here where you see where the triggers are
Mod: ForFarmers Cargobull
the truck in this pack can pull the trailer without problems.
Mod: ForFarmers Cargobull
I made this trailer for the big maps, try to play on a big map with your small trailers , you have more work to drive around then working. But everyone has his own meaning. If you don't like it simply don't take it and find something you do like.
Mod: ForFarmers Cargobull
If you want a good truck that can pull that trailer without any problems , look for the "roadtrainpack" the second truck in that pack is more then strong enough , it can even haul 10+ trailers. I tested it with that truck and no problem at all.
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
Thank you , i'm happy you like the map
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
I'm sorry ,
i have no idea . I'm not used to courseplay but i know others have no problem with that. Did you try it with a different vehicle?
Mod: windmill
Nice mod ,i was searching a long time for such windmill to use in map building.
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
you have to unpack the zip and the zipfile in it you need to put in your modfolder
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
To get the map to what it is now , i worked on it for 2,5 months , 5 - 6 hours almost daily. I learn allot by watching youtube or twitch tutorials. And i follow what players tell me and try to figure out to solve problems. I'm 43 and it was a pain sometimes , but never gave up. Today got even a donation for the work , never asked for it , but that also tell me i'm doing not to bad
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
Don't worry ,there are always people that complaining , but it's nice off you to say. If people come to me with a problem i always will look to solve it. If they complain they just have to delete it and find something better for them or try to make one theirself. I will keep doing what i do for the people that do like it. I have no testers that test for me , this is my first work. In the future if i make new things it will be tested by others. Now i did test all myself and it's easy to miss something for a beginner like me.
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
If you don't like the map , move on and delete it. Find a map you like or maybe make one of your own , i look oput to completly test a map creation of yours.
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
you will need to download the seasons mod and put that in your modfolder, the map is prepared for it
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
you're welcome , , i hope everything goes well now , otherwise let me know
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
thank you for the compliment :)
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
there will be an update soon, probably this weekend
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
in the next update, the display will be changed i took a look at them.
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
you mean the siloking? Why should u use a wheelloader if you can use a kipper? The capacity is standard from fs17 i can't change that, if you speed up time it will take more. The displays are used from the sawmill i guess, but the numbers on it are from the compost or silage master , the creator of that mod just used that display
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
hello , on what gate does it say something blocking the way? Can you send a screenshot or a good description off the place?
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
i have a few more things to solve, i think next update will be somewhere next week, but normally you don't gonna need to start a new game
Mod: MaverickfarmV2seasons
Whisky , you have to load the trains with a shovel , you have ramps for that. In next update i look for a better way. 108fendt , the cleaningzones for animals are not where they belog, i solve this in next update