Userprofile of marcelofs
Member since 7 / 2013

Punkte: 6
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: Marcelo Age & Gender: 66 m City: Buenos Aires Hobbies: Target Shooting, muzzleloader Homepage no entry

About marcelofs

Engineer (Faculty of Engineering - University of Buenos Aires).
Microsoft system engineer.
DrayTek Senior Software Engineer.
Linksys software engineer.
Cisco network engineer.
  1. marcelofs 17. 02 2015

    Mod: Renault Range T Original Interior
    Dear Friend:
    this model and interior was created by jekich1.
    I do not doubt your ability, but I suggest seeing Range T Turbosquid model by jekich1.
    I do not think to be wrong, if so i apologize.
    engineer Marcelo F Sanchez
    Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  2. marcelofs 02. 06 2014

    Mod: MAZ 5440
    Not work in ETS2 version 1.10.x!!!!

  3. marcelofs 29. 09 2013

    Mod: Renault Premium
    Sorry for the criticism, but the truck is badly made. The Renault Premium trucks are short (only 35 cm. more than the 4x2). This is achieved by changing four pieces of place. Add a second axis, not make it a 6x2 or 6x4. Also, hide the second axis in the 6x2, to hide the differential assembly, a bad trick. If a steering shaft, differential assembly has not. I suggest viewing photos and videos of this truck. It is a beautiful truck, but no modeler, succeeds in doing so correctly.
    Engineer Marcelo Sánchez.

  4. marcelofs 17. 09 2013

    Their dashboards and new controls, are impressive, excellent! You are a great artist!
    The best I've seen, very detailed and realistic.
    Please could do a Dashboard for the Renault Premium, the original is terrible.
    Thank you very much for your great work!
    Best regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Engineer Marcelo F. Sanchez

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