Userprofile of lulu88520
Member since 6 / 2011

Punkte: 3.669
Modder Level 13
Rank: #456
First name: Lulu Age & Gender: 29 m City: France Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About lulu88520

no entry
  1. lulu88520 18. 07 2017

    Mod: Weidemann 1502 Pack
    Thank you, Wuwuk :) .

  2. lulu88520 02. 01 2017

    Mod: Maitre trailer pack
    frohes neues Jahr, danke für Ihren Kommentar :)

  3. lulu88520 01. 01 2017

    Mod: Maitre trailer pack

    Ich wünsche Ihnen ein gutes Jahr, vielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar, der siloking DA2300 ist unser nächstes Mods, wir arbeiten gegenwärtig darauf ;)

  4. lulu88520 06. 11 2016

    Mod: Franquet Combigerm
    Fixed in version 1.1 ;)

  5. lulu88520 20. 03 2016

    Mod: SILOKING DA2300

    A version 2 of the siloking will be in DL next saturday, we have fixed some bugs like when we reset the siloking we have an second siloking which appear.
    We have added too a new function, we can now make mixed forage (silage, windrow, grass...).

  6. lulu88520 24. 01 2016

    Mod: Agram manure blade
    Thank you SimulatorModding :)

  7. lulu88520 24. 01 2016

    Mod: Agram manure blade
    I have made it before Luxfarm for Farming simulator 2013, I've just converted it and reworked it a little bit ;)

  8. lulu88520 25. 12 2015

    Mod: Beiser shovel
    thank you, Merlo is in WIP ;)

    1 replies

  9. lulu88520 29. 08 2015

    Mod: Claas Quadrant 2200
    Real Credits are :

    Modèle: IPF & Thomas79
    Texture: Thomas79
    Script: Thomas79
    Financement: Kazounet & mon cousin Guillaume79


    1 replies

  10. lulu88520 18. 07 2015

    Mod: Maitre BMM trailer
    All standard fruit, fertilizer, kalk and compost_soil ;)

    1 replies

  11. lulu88520 11. 04 2015

    Mod: Bonnel MULTICULTOR and multi-rotor
    Ja, das ist ein grubber ;)

  12. lulu88520 21. 03 2015

    Mod: Emily Shovel
    the commantaire was posted before the new version ;) Now it support kalk ;)

  13. lulu88520 01. 01 2015

    Mod: Duchesne 7t
    Edited version of the T6.160 ;)

  14. lulu88520 26. 12 2014

    Mod: Duchesne 7t
    get off the tractor and go near the support and press the key V ;)

    1 replies

  15. lulu88520 22. 11 2014

    Mod: Emily Shovel
    Can you just read the description please !

  16. lulu88520 12. 10 2014

    Mod: Leboulch tridem Gold
    Washable ist now installed on the trailer
    Bug with the plane is fixed and some other details ;)

  17. lulu88520 14. 09 2014

    Mod: Maitre BMM 100
    It's also because you have changed the size of the trailer, so the exactFillRootNode doesn't support to be resized

    1 replies

  18. lulu88520 14. 09 2014

    Mod: Maitre BMM 100

    You must have the third body to harvest corn silage ;)

    You can switch the body using the key shift + W

  19. lulu88520 13. 09 2014

    Mod: Leboulch k150
    The trailer was still in W.I.P, but the guy which made the 3D model decided to put it in DL not finished....

  20. lulu88520 13. 09 2014

    Mod: Gregoire Besson Big Pro et

    @nocsy :thank you for pointing that out, it's fixed

This user hasn't created any projects yet.