Userprofile of JohnLambert
Member since 2 / 2015

Punkte: 14
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: no entry Age & Gender: 33 m City: Jakarta Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About JohnLambert

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  1. JohnLambert 23. 02 2015

    Mod: GPS
    Ah, my mistake sir. I just realized a moment ago there's GPS_adjustCourseModifier as I finish reading all your script. So I come back here to clarify this.
    With that solved, your mod is perfect now :)
    Thank you for your respond

  2. JohnLambert 23. 02 2015

    Mod: GPS
    Would you please check the keybinding again. Some InputBinding.isPressed commands on .lua have wrong inputbinding. Some keybindings will take 2 actions at once. Some other didnt work at all and must manually select from HUD.

    1 replies

  3. JohnLambert 22. 02 2015

    Mod: Forgotten Plants Wheat Barley
    EDIT: I just learn that without MIP maps the texture quality will be reduced. So far, i found out that save .dds with DXT3 setting is the best and strangely give the same result too.

    1 replies

  4. JohnLambert 22. 02 2015

    Mod: Forgotten Plants Wheat Barley
    Hi, Eribus and other farmer :)
    Here some tips for you...
    Save your .dds texture with "no MIP maps" setting choosen

    I found this when I try to fix this texture for greater viewDistance, because i found that this texture mod made the wheat and barley didnt show up on further distance while the ori does.

    So for the fix, I open original and replace the image also its alpha channel with Eribus's texture. When saving I choose no MIP maps.
    That way you wont get spacey foliage anymore.
    It also eliminate the needs to change numBlocksPerUnit (better performance).
    Here some screenshot for you..
    DDS setting:
    Your original file:

    My fix:

    1 replies

  5. JohnLambert 20. 02 2015

    Mod: TreePlanter connector
    Replace this line on the 3600 weight section in modDesc.xml:

    <de>suer SB 3600 </de>
    <en>suer SB 3600</en>
    <ru>suer SB 3600</ru>
    <image active="schemas/store_suerSB1600.png" brand="schemas/brand.png"/>

  6. JohnLambert 19. 02 2015

    Mod: Kemper cutter study 2020
    I'm looking for the trailer version, like the real thing is. Nevertheless I'll just use this one for now

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