Userprofile of inter fan
Member since 6 / 2013

inter fan
Punkte: 311
Level 7
Rank: #7185
First name: Basten Age & Gender: 25 m City: Wieringermeer Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About inter fan

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  1. inter fan 02. 09 2017

    Mod: Greve Bomb weight 4t.
    Modell: Interfan / JD7530-Chris
    Textur: JD7530-Chris
    Script: Giants / JD7530-Chris
    Idee / Konzept: Jantjetennis
    Tester: JD7530-Chris

  2. inter fan 19. 12 2016

    Mod: Kverneland Cli 430/630
    I have used the Kverneland sower, wich work perfectly! It's hard to make something that functions with al sowers but also sticks to the original. So it's something to look into when buying a sower. I will make a list with the ones that functions

    Greetings Inter Fan

  3. inter fan 18. 12 2016

    Mod: Kverneland Cli 430/630
    Thanks for your nice words! -Inter Fan/The modeller.

  4. inter fan 20. 11 2016

    Mod: International 1255/1455 V2
    The 1455 or 1255 where never delivered with front hydrolics straight out of the factory, but we'll have a look

  5. inter fan 02. 11 2016

    Mod: International 1455xl
    There is no model to start with, so it would be a lot more work, like realy more than triple the work this 1455 has costed.

    So I don't think i'll make a Fiat, i'm having enough projects going on.

  6. inter fan 01. 11 2016

    Mod: International 1455xl
    Also I am planning to build a complete 633 from scratch but that would take much more time.

  7. inter fan 01. 11 2016

    Mod: International 1455xl
    In real life the 1255 is different in Engine and turbo, so that is not something simple. But whe will look into it.

    The 1455 has a International DT-402 and the 1255 has a Dt-358

  8. inter fan 01. 11 2016

    Mod: International 1455xl
    Have you downlaoded the newest version (1.1)?
    Because in the newest version, the dirt is fixed.

  9. inter fan 01. 11 2016

    Mod: International 1455xl
    That is somthing that is placed on the planning by me and Jasper! :P

  10. inter fan 10. 05 2016

    Mod: WifoP46
    Locking the pallets isn't needed, because you can use your mouse to but the fork in a position the pallet can't come of ;)

  11. inter fan 02. 05 2016

    Mod: WifoP46
    Danke! Dafür haben wir es auch gemacht :).

  12. inter fan 02. 05 2016

    Mod: WifoP46
    Ich bin wirklich der modder :P
    Der bilder waren aber fault, ich denke das das komt bei skype..

  13. inter fan 04. 03 2016

    Mod: Merlo P417 Turbofarmer Rear Hydraulics
    Looking stunning!

    Also cool to see that you're still using my weight :p.

    2 replies

  14. inter fan 04. 03 2016

    Mod: Kaweco 6 cubic meters slurry tanker

    Der preise ist um es realistisch zu halten met andere manure barreln.

    Ich habe das model gemacht, und ich wollte probieren ein 2asscher zu machen.

  15. inter fan 02. 03 2016

    Mod: Kaweco 6 cubic meters slurry tanker
    Sechs Kuub steht vor 6000 Litres, wir brauchen das viel mehr in der Niederlanden.

    Was für error gibt der log?

  16. inter fan 23. 02 2015

    Mod: Selfmade Weight
    @Darknight, das gewicht wiegt 1000 kg ;)

    1 replies

  17. inter fan 15. 11 2013

    Mod: Building materials Mod
    is it posible to sell it anywhere whit this trigger's or is it only load and bring it to storage

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