Userprofile of Hark83
Member since 2 / 2020

Punkte: 98
Modder Level 4
Rank: n/a
First name: no entry Age & Gender: no entry City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Hark83

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  1. Hark83 02. 07 2020

    Mod: Praga V3S
    Changelog 1.46
    - minor bug fix

    Changelog 1.45
    - adjusted les position
    - fixed les minor bug
    - adjusted crane rot limit

    Changelog 1.44
    - experimental korby joint setup
    - adjusted les position
    - fixed les minor bug
    - adjusted crane rot limit

    Changelog 1.43
    - adjusted visual schema position for crane tool and pv3s module

    Changelog 1.42
    - added log grabber
    - added mod title script

    Changelog 1.41
    - added livestock module
    - added ZDT brand
    - added visual trailerlow electric socket
    - updated praga store icon

    Changelog 1.40
    - added KAPOSGEP brand
    - fixed silage korba position
    - fixed crane head
    - added reg plate option
    - added cabin tools
    - added design gadgets
    - added trailerlow towing ball
    - crane fixed for lifting bags and tools

    Changelog 1.39
    - crane fixed for lifting bags and tools

    Changelog 1.38
    - added radio antenna
    - added new tool box

    Changelog 1.37
    - added cabin collision
    - added mirrors
    - added front trailer hitch
    - fixed valnik collision bug
    - fixed valnik season bug

    Changelog 1.36
    - added Praga banner

    Changelog 1.35
    - added ZTS Timber platform and trailer
    - changed honk sound
    - changed spread size HS8 from 24 to 13m

    Changelog 1.34
    - changed "bocka" joint specification

    Changelog 1.33
    - fixed dynamic hoses connectors texture

    Changelog 1.32
    - fixed pv3s "korby" attacher joint
    - simplified design configuration
    - new transparent Praga brand logo
    - renamed attachable tools to Pv3s short and Pv3s long

    Changelog 1.31
    - compatibility with Giants Horsch Pack seed tender and fertilizer shuttle

    Changelog 1.30
    - dynamic hoses

    Changelog 1.25
    - PV3S adjusted position of warning beacon
    - added t088cs, TTS, PUT
    - HKD module minor fix

    Changelog 1.24
    - added beacon

    Changelog 1.23
    - added FT-3 fuel trailer
    - added FC-48 fuel cistern

    Changelog 1.22
    - fixed minor bugs
    - added possibility to refill SP-14 from a tank
    - FMSZ-2KT and SP-14 are now compatible

    Changelog 1.21
    - added more warnings and errors ;)
    - added MVU8 lime/fertilizer spreader
    - added SP-14 sprayer
    - changed attachement compatiblility descriptiong to divide (short) short bed or (long) long/bare bed

    Changelog 1.20
    - added script for stand-alone cathegory "Praga V3S Module Pack"
    - renamed "Praga PV3S" mod pack to "Praga V3S Module Pack"
    - rebranded "rozmetadlo" to ZTS, added support for ZTS brand
    - rebranded Wood Container and bale platform to original MAN by BSM

    Changelog 1.18
    - added MKS 8 water/milk tank
    - added power requirement for MKS 8
    - added PV3S door remove configuration
    - fixed FMSZ-2KT colour configuration warning
    - added power requirement for FMSZ-2KT

    Changelog 1.17
    - changed values for Valnik, now bale platform configuration is without sides and tailgate

    Changelog 1.16
    - added BP-9 platform
    - added FMSZ-2KT liquids tanker (water, diesel, herbicide, liquid fertilizer)
    - added HST-80 slurry transport tanker

    Changelog 1.15
    - added some warnings and errors :D

    Changelog 1.1
    - rebranded Manure spreader to Praga
    - added Wood container, rebranded to Praga
    - added Forage tipper, rebranded to Praga
    - added bale platform, rebranded to Praga
    - added Kroger HKD tipper Module
    - added shop Compatibility specs to all Praga equipment

    Changelog 1.0
    - PV3S mod completely reworked
    - 2 realistic engines 98hp and 120hp
    - engine sound
    - implements
    - behaviour
    - air brakes
    - implements now require power to operate
    - weight
    - transmission
    - wheels traction
    - new store icons
    - and many fixes

  2. Hark83 12. 02 2020

    Mod: Volvo BMA 25 SP
    Hi, the link isn't working anymore, would you be so kind and re-upload it again please?

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