Userprofile of Futt
Member since 7 / 2013

Punkte: 262
Level 6
Rank: #8244
First name: Erik Age & Gender: m City: Norwegen Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Futt

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  1. Futt 01. 06 2016

    Mod: Maz bus MULTICOLOR
    Hast du auch einen Link für die Busbahnhof mod? Google versagt mir leider =(

  2. Futt 26. 05 2016

    Mod: Polska Wies
    The two <description> blocks (outer and in <maps>) are missing <en></en> and <de></de> versions of the strings, there are only polish descriptions (<pl></pl>). This causes an error for anyone without a Polish version of Farming Simulator, they will not be able to play it.

    It's easy to add but should probably fix that.

  3. Futt 18. 05 2016

    Mod: Big Bags
    Error: C:/Users/***/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//BIGBAG_FERTILIZER/BigBag.xml(60). Error reading end tag..
    Error: C:/Users/***/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//BIGBAG_FERTILIZER/BigBag.xml(60). Error reading end tag..
    Error loadVehicle: invalid vehicle config file 'C:/Users/***/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//BIGBAG_FERTILIZER/BigBag.xml', no type specified
    Die </vehicle> tag fehlt am ende der bigbag.xml für die Dünger bag; es kann nicht gekauft werden.

  4. Futt 24. 06 2015

    Mod: Kraz 6316
    Yeah same here; however I'm pretty sure it's a mod conflict of sorts. Doesn't seem to happen to other people; I haven't tested it though, might do that if I get bored ;)

    1 replies

  5. Futt 07. 05 2015

    Mod: Bergmoor2K15
    Das is ein Fehler in map01.i3d. Alle Texturen für die Model "models/Rueben_und_Kartoffellager/" haben eine zusätzliche '/' in dem Pfad. z.B Linie 711:

    <File fileId="1054" filename="models/Rueben_und_Kartoffellager/Texturen//Kartoffeln.jpg" relativePath="true"/>

  6. Futt 17. 07 2014

    Mod: UPK Bio Fuel Refinery
    Vielen dank!! Ein paar textur-fehler, ansonsten funktioniert alles perfekt. Die rafinerie kann man auch mit GE einbauen, erleichtert das Platzieren an hügeligen Karten.

  7. Futt 10. 08 2013

    Mod: Cat Fleet
    Hi - looks like we've reported the same problem almost at the same time :) If you want to fix your savegame, you can open "savegame1/vehicles.xml" (replace 1 with the savegame you used) in Notepad and locate the line that says:

    <vehicle id="XX" modName="Cat_725A" etc...>

    Find the 'autoSteer="true"' (or "false") parameter, and make sure there is only one. If there are two, remove one of them and save the file. Your game should now load with all the vehicles.

    Hope that helps :)

  8. Futt 10. 08 2013

    Mod: Cat Fleet
    (Sorry, my German is horrible, I'll do this in English to avoid too many misunderstandings). Hi, and thanks for a fantastic mod, loving it, one of my all-time favorites! I seem to have run into an issue with the Cat 725 dumper though. It seems to be corrupting my savegames.

    I suspect it may be a conflict with the "AutoSteer" mod - I have it in my mod folder because I hate articulated vehicles ;) But after playing a bit with the 725 and saving it, vehicles.xml gets corrupted and the game loads without any vehicles the next time. The log complains about a parse-error in vehicles.xml on the Cat725 line, and indeed I find the vehicle has duplicate entries for the "autoSteer" parameter (it's listed twice).

    Is there any way to fix this, short of uninstalling AutoSteer?

    Again, thanks a lot for a great mod!

    1 replies

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