Userprofile of Farmer Barney
Member since 3 / 2013

Farmer Barney
Punkte: 7
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: barney Age & Gender: 34 m City: england Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Farmer Barney

play anytime please!
  1. Farmer Barney 09. 02 2014

    Mod: John Deere 6810
    Hallo, Dieser Mod du gebaut hast, wunderbar, aber ihre ist eine Sache, die nicht richtig ist. das ist der Ton. Ich finde den Klang sehr ärgerlich, da es viel zu konsequent im Gegensatz zu anderen Traktor Mods, ist dies etwas, das Sie vielleicht ändern könnte, denn das ist die einzige Sache, die gehen, um mich zu stoppen, die diese Mod! auch ist es nicht sehr genau auf die reale Klang, gibt es einige Videos, wo ich höre den tatsächlichen Klang auf youtube.

  2. Farmer Barney 30. 12 2013

    Mod: Claas Axion 840
    The standard green texture doesnt look correctcompared to all other tractors. The lighting on the paint is black and doesnt make it like like the real claas. good other than what needs fixing

    1 replies

  3. Farmer Barney 29. 12 2013

    Mod: More Realistic
    I fixed it, Remoed pantera orge skin for amazone sprayer.

  4. Farmer Barney 29. 12 2013

    Mod: More Realistic
    Same comment as most, but none seem to indicate why this happens. I cant reverse no matter what Tmode.

    I have more realistic 1.1 installed, and this fendt 1.2 installed, I removed the none MR fendt also.

    What must I do to make the fendt go reverse then? none of them work and everythings right, isnt it?

    1 replies

  5. Farmer Barney 01. 09 2013

    Mod: Vanilla Valley
    BEST MAP so far, I've only been looking around it. howeve rI have found,

    I cannot open the doors at cow yard? I have the map door trigger in my mods folder, do I need to move it somewhere else? I cannot open the doors!

    1 replies

  6. Farmer Barney 19. 08 2013

    Mod: Neufeld Erland Open Beta
    Hello, I like the overall style of the map it looks very professional, its great. however, i don't want to to play it because of it "beta" stage, and having its major issues. when will you release a 2.0 beta? or full version, an estimate? or state things you have changed or working on...

    also, apply this to the mod contest, once you have done mostly anything, i would put it in the top 3 so far.

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