Userprofile of darkstory007
Member since 3 / 2012

Punkte: 19
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: albert Age & Gender: 27 m City: kollumersweach Hobbies: farming,simulator,2011 Homepage no entry

About darkstory007

hallo ik paalts hier geen mods ik heb alleen een acc voor mods en forum in de toekoms ga ik mischien mods maken
  1. darkstory007 23. 09 2013

    Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
    Nice one. Greetings from Holland

  2. darkstory007 13. 05 2012

    Mod: New Holland TG295
    hahahahaahahahaahah its a fendt vario amezing!

  3. darkstory007 05. 05 2012

    Mod: Bassumer country
    2 hour downloand :( only i get it and it is super niice lob!!!

  4. darkstory007 03. 05 2012

    Mod: Case 130MX
    and can u make the weels in a pakket pallets for the new hollands?

  5. darkstory007 03. 05 2012

    Mod: Case 130MX
    its zo nice i like it to drive nice re make skin of the bjr-modding newhollands!!

  6. darkstory007 18. 04 2012

    Mod: Morning fog
    what one is better??

  7. darkstory007 13. 04 2012

    Mod: Case IH STX 500 Quadtrack (WR)
    this is the plough what the case used for the world record

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