Userprofile of BumblebeeTransformers
Member since 11 / 2012

Punkte: 2.085
Modder Level 12
Rank: #898
First name: Patryk Age & Gender: m City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About BumblebeeTransformers

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  1. Mod: seven mountains
    No, no multifruit, it will just broke the map, FS17 have enough fruits.

  2. Mod: Landkreis_Rheinlandpfalz
    This map would be great but is ugly. You should remove some objects, fix them, add new because some of them are painted in Paint and are looking bad. You should do this map work with Seasons too.

  3. Mod: Die Map kommt für LS 17
    Finally! I spend many time playing on your map in FS13, in FS15 not because there was not cutable trees but now when it will be! :D Good luck! :D

  4. Mod: Repair Car
    If you dont have Damage Mod it will not works, it will just a Lizard Car... -,-

  5. Mod: Repair Car
    What did you expected? Fireworks?

    1 replies

    1. Mod: Repair Car
      Eine Ausführliche Beschreibung hilft immer, und tut das Community gut ;-)

  6. Mod: Fiat 126p FL 650E
    Nice, really good mod! Nice Polish car!

    1 replies

  7. Mod: Loess Hill Country
    Hello! Good map! But will you do i next version all trees cutable? :) Sorry for my bad English. ;)

  8. Mod: Dumper
    Because this truck is from Demolition Company soo this is dumper... ;)

  9. Mod: Interior Lights for all trucks
    Can you add this for all trucks? To renault premium and other?

  10. Mod: Slurry and manure mod
    In moddesc i have copy to! It dont work! ;(

  11. Mod: Slurry and manure mod
    In me dont work! I have copy all and I have the shader number edit but it doesnt work! Please help!

  12. Mod: Volvo FH 16 Euro6
    It is from SCS? From Euro Truck Simulator 2?

    1 replies

  13. Mod: Hagenstedt 4Fach
    Why do you delete the trees colision?

  14. Mod: Shipping Line of grain
    Hello! Where do you download this Volvo?

  15. Mod: Es geht in die Letzte Phase des Mod Contestes
    Soo the update is in download?

  16. Mod: Jeep Wrangler
    Thank you! Super Jeep. All give him "Empfehlung"... :D

  17. Mod: Bekannte Fehler werden nun Gefixt
    Add water mod and 360 multi terain mod and guelle and manure mod please!

  18. Mod: Bekannte Fehler werden nun Gefixt
    Do you will to add collisions to the buildings?

  19. Mod: yellow street lights pack Wb
    Super! I'll download it. ;)

  20. Mod: Featureliste, Beta, etc
    Beta is or isn't to download?

    2 replies

  21. Mod: BanCam
    Can you do an script that can start game in the place where you save the game?

  22. Mod: Optimus Prime Truck
    Ooo i love Transformers but this Peterbilt 379 is not finished. ;-) Who can edit this truck? Please!

  23. Mod: SaveCam
    Super mod all give this mod "empfelung" all. :D

  24. Mod: Jeep Wrangler
    How to edit interior camera? I dont like when i see farmer in interior camera. How to edit this? Please reply.

  25. Mod: Jeep Wrangler
    When the next version! I cant wait!

  26. Mod: Conspeed und Schneidwerkswagen
    Super! When in download? I can't wait! :D

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