Userprofile of bindesboel
Member since 4 / 2011

Punkte: 16
Level 1
Rank: n/a
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About bindesboel

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  1. bindesboel 16. 10 2013

    Mod: TGX
    Its a good idea, but the color are wrong... Its not suppose to be yellow, its beige on the real trucks:
    And that looks MUCH better... Så play a little with the colors, and i think it will look a lot more like the reals one :)

    1 replies

  2. bindesboel 08. 04 2012

    Mod: Roll-x3
    WTF?? Roll-X3 V1.4?? 1:1?? And where is the desription? And og btw thanks for asking....

    For others here is a description os the rollers... They can spray the fields when rolling, it lay down the crop if rolling through a field, its washable, it has particle system...

  3. bindesboel 05. 07 2011

    Mod: John Deere 660 Multi Pack
    Where are all my credits? I changd the wheels, i have edited all the textures fros the 2009 model, og reskinned one of the headers.... Why you steel mods, and take credits for others work?

  4. bindesboel 06. 05 2011

    Remove it.... Its my mod from And it may NOT be uploaded else where without permission....

  5. bindesboel 06. 05 2011

    Remove it.... Its my mod from And it may NOT be uploaded else where without permission....

  6. bindesboel 06. 05 2011

    Remove it.... Its my mod from And it may NOT be uploaded else where without permission....

  7. bindesboel 06. 05 2011

    Remove it.... Its my mod from And it may NOT be uploaded else where without permission....

  8. bindesboel 06. 05 2011

    Remove it.... Its my mod from And it may NOT be uploaded else where without permission....

  9. bindesboel 21. 04 2011

    Please remove this map... Its by me, and i have NOT given my permission for ham to upload it.... He is a retard banned from my site, for given away privat mods and etc...

  10. bindesboel 11. 04 2011

    Please remove this John Deere 4850... Its by me, and i have not given my permission to uploade it here... This version allso have som errors...

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