Userprofile of babylon5
Member since 8 / 2014

Punkte: 14
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: no entry Age & Gender: no entry City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About babylon5

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  1. babylon5 13. 03 2018

    Mod: Hagenstedt extreme
    I use a tipper trailer which if you drive over the trigger at the front will fill the trailer

    1 replies

  2. babylon5 07. 02 2018

    Mod: Hagenstedt extreme
    Wrapped silage bales are not accepted at the BGA?. Is there somewhere i can sell them?

  3. babylon5 21. 07 2017

    Mod: BSM TRAILER SEMI-LOG 80000/6
    Please remove this mod as it has been uploaded here without any permissions

  4. babylon5 24. 07 2015

    Mod: Black Rock Valley HSSMF
    This mod has been uploaded here with permission of the original modder.

    1 replies

  5. babylon5 01. 05 2015

    Mod: Frisian march
    Nice map but i cant get any of the factories to work, no tip triggers have been added!!!!!!!!!!

  6. babylon5 31. 08 2014

    Mod: Platinum Hard
    Has the production rate of liquid manure been altered at all the BGA?. i have filled the hoppers at the BGA's and fast forwarded time and they take days to empty. Any ideas ?

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