Userprofile of awb
Member since 12 / 2014

Punkte: 11
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: Arend Age & Gender: 60 m City: Lemmer Hobbies: Computergames, watersports, reading Homepage no entry

About awb

Good day,

I'm a Dutch and like to play FS. FS has nothing to do with my proffession which is sailing as a Captain all around the wolrd
  1. awb 22. 10 2017

    Mod: Frisian march
    After 1 of de update's, the machine where you can change the ground to gravel, concrete etc is not function anymore. Don't know if this a malfunction or something you did.

    Further can you make it possible that we can buy the windmills in the game so they make profit for you.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. awb 31. 07 2017

    Mod: Frisian march
    Love your map. In one of your video's I saw a trailer where you load the pallets 2 high.
    Can you inform me where I can get this trailer.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. awb 08. 12 2015

    Mod: Frisian march
    Hallo, I like to play your map but have some advise for improvements.
    - It isn't possible to see how much you have in your bunkers on the main farm
    - It is nice to have different BGA's but it's takes ages to fill them, with other words the grass is growing to slow and don't have enough output
    - The ramp's of the bridge's and dikes are to steep, now every car is jumping and from the bridge's if you drive with low loader it is getting stocked if you drive to slow.
    - It looks nice with all the windmills, but because you already put them there we can't buy them anymore and so they don't make any proffit for us.
    - What should be handy is a wool collector &
    - a egg collector.

    For the rest it is a great map. Thanks

  4. awb 11. 10 2015

    Mod: Volkshill
    Why is it you can't drive to the edge of the map. Now you are driving to an invisible wall which is very annoying.

  5. awb 23. 06 2015

    Mod: Freightliner Argosy CAT Edition
    The headlights and additional lights aren't working. In the night you are driving in the dark.

  6. awb 18. 03 2015

    Mod: Volkshill
    good day,

    I have a problem with the BGA. Can't get them empty. In 1 silo there is still 7% and the other one 1%, they look empty and you can't get anything out of it. Because there is still cargo in it you can't refille them and now they are useless.

    For the rest I like your map very much and love playing it.

  7. awb 24. 02 2015

    Mod: Volksholm
    With what kind a trailer can I transport the kompost. Before you could use any trailer, but doesn't work anymore.

  8. awb 18. 02 2015

    Mod: Volksholm
    Good day,

    I have a question. How can I load the chickens. Have downloaded the trailer but can't find the place where to load them.

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