Maps & Buildings - Objects
Mods for Farming Simulator
Walterscheid Power Take Offs (Prefab)
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almost 4 years
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almost 5 years
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about 4 years
The Red House
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almost 4 years
Bucket And Billboards Pack
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almost 4 years
Old Shed Small
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over 4 years
Hedge Fences Pack Object
v 1.00 Downloads today645 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Nov 2020 01:00:54 GMT in - ObjectsHedge Fences PackIncludes:– arc Shape– 90° Corner Shape– Straight Shape (2m, 4m, 8m)– Curve Shape (30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 180°)– T Shape– Z ShapePrice 10$ each.
Warning Signs And Warning Stickers (Prefab*)
v 1.00 Downloads today198 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:17:16 GMT in - ObjectsWarning signs & warning stickers in different sizesDimensions:- 565mm x 200mm- 423mm x 423mm- 564mm x 282mm- 800mm x 141mm
Bábolna B-1-15 Grain Silo
v Downloads today1,419 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:15:46 GMT in - ObjectsBábolna B-1-15 Grain Silo Price:200000 € Capacity: 400.000 L Daily Upkeep:66 € Fruits:Wheat,Barley, Canola, Maize, Oat, Sunflower, Soybean Changelog - Added Seasons ready
Water Standpipe
v 1.00 Downloads today217 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:15:14 GMT in - ObjectsA 60mm Water Standpipe to enable you to fill your large tankers much faster!Changelog descVersion to 51Changed collions to reduce frame drop when walking close to StandpipeIncreased Fill...
Wrecked Boat (Prefab*)
v 1.00 Downloads today209 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:14:43 GMT in - ObjectsCan be used as a decoration for a map
Modular Concrete Walls
v 1.00 Downloads today323 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:13:10 GMT in - ObjectsUsing these wall pieces you can build walled storage composition pretty much of any shape or dimensions.The built area then can be used as storage spot for stuff like manure or any other material you...
Grain Silo
v Downloads today1,176 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 04 Nov 2020 10:18:26 GMT in - ObjectsRiela Grain Silo Price: 120000 $ Capacity: 150.000 L Daily Upkeep: 36 $ Fruits:Wheat,Barley, Canola, Maize, Oat, Sunflower, Soybean Changelog - Seasons ready
Bigbags XXL
v 1.00 Downloads today432 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 02 Nov 2020 11:59:28 GMT in - ObjectsThe big bags are filled with 4000L and have a slightly cheaper price: pig feed 4000L = 3000, chicken feed 4000L = 5000, horse feed 4000L = 4500, fertilizer 4000L = 6000, lime 4000L = 800 € seed 4000L...
Small Wind Turbine
v 1.00 Downloads today298 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 02 Nov 2020 11:58:07 GMT in - ObjectsPrice: 20000 €Income per Hour: 300/200/100 €
Double Walled Fuel Tank
v 1.00 Downloads today240 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 02 Nov 2020 11:57:15 GMT in - ObjectsDouble-walled fuel tank that you can put on your farm.You have to open the door to refuel the vehicle.Price: 1000 €
Sosnovka Chicken Pen
v 1.00 Downloads today305 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 15 Oct 2020 08:11:37 GMT in - ObjectsSosnovka chicken pen can hold 260 chickens. Cost is 20000 and daily upkeep is 2. Changelog Organized file Optimized file and xml files Fixed some code in xml Changelog Added Fenceless...
Flash Light
v 1.00 Downloads today224 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 14 Oct 2020 10:47:41 GMT in - ObjectsFlash Light for all your lighting needs. Cost 40. Changelog Fixed light angle Changelog New normal map Lowered file size AuthorAdub Modding
Refillable IBC Tank Magic Fill
v 1.00 Downloads today230 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 14 Oct 2020 10:45:23 GMT in - ObjectsRefillable IBC tank for filling up sprayers. Recommended Mod: Edge Multi Filling Station Capacity: 2,000 L Filltypes: Liquid Fertilizer and Herbicide Price: 1,500 Changelog -Fixed minor discrepancy...
Double Door Garage
v 1.00 Downloads today281 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 09 Oct 2020 10:28:00 GMT in - ObjectsDouble Door Garage for small and bigs vehicles with lighting.Price: € 48,000Size: 40 x 25 mts.Door: 6 x 15 mts.Manual interior lighting.Automatic lighting for the entrance.Available in the sheds section...
American Shed
v 1.00 Downloads today232 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 09 Oct 2020 10:27:43 GMT in - ObjectsSmall american red shed for storing all your machines. Cost 4000 and daily upkeep of 2Seasons ready.
Metal Panel Fences
v 1.00 Downloads today235 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 24 Sep 2020 09:00:53 GMT in - ObjectsFence: Price: 200 $Stake: Price: 50 $Fence corner: Price: 500 $Upkeep: 2€ per Day
Fence Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today223 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 24 Sep 2020 06:23:06 GMT in - ObjectsYou can improve your Farm with this Placeable Fence Pack.Changelog:V. version upgraded.-Floor adaptation removed for better placement.-90 Crad angle added.-Store Icons Revised...
Racking Storage
v 1.00 Downloads today230 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 23 Sep 2020 10:13:13 GMT in - ObjectsThis contains two racking systems plus one for storage of seed and fertilizer including liquid fertilizer.First rack max weight upto 5000kgSecond rack max weight upto 8000kgThrid is for storage of seed...
South American Fence Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today354 Downloads total-1 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Tue, 22 Sep 2020 09:31:39 GMT in - ObjectsSouth American Package. A package with gate and fences.-Gate with animation.-Fence 10 metersCost: 80€Maintenance: € 1/Day-Fence 20 metersCost: 90€Maintenance: € 2/Day-Fence 30 metersCost: 100€Maintenance...
OERTZEN Hochdruckreiniger FS 2019
v Downloads today771 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Sep 2020 22:56:04 GMT in - ObjectsOERTZEN CX-305 high pressure cleaner for your vehicles.The overthrow of the Kärcher monopoly should finally be accomplished with this model … Here is the third (and probably most beautiful) high-pressure...