Tractors - John Deere
Mods for Farming Simulator
John Deere 7810 Washable
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over 8 years
John Deere 7530 Premium
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almost 9 years
John Deere 7810
John Deere
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almost 9 years
John Deere 7930
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almost 9 years
John Deere
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over 10 years
John Deere 4455
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over 8 years
John Deere 5M FH series pack
v 10 Downloads today7,731 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Mon, 19 Sep 2016 17:15:48 GMT in - 2000-5000er4 tractors- 5075M FH, 5085M FH, 5100M FH, 5115M FHAll tractors have real horse power, torque and fuel consumptionFull WashableThis is edited version of JOHN DEERE 5085 FH TRACTOR
John Deere 6115M
v 1.00 Downloads today5,436 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Sat, 17 Sep 2016 19:39:49 GMT in - 6000erJohn Deere 6115M washable
John Deere 8400
v 10 Downloads today2,405 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Fri, 16 Sep 2016 22:16:41 GMT in - 8000erJohn Deere 8400 Model: Sottillo, Tomas150, Kapucha Auhtor: Kapucha
featured John Deere 5085M
v 3.0 FH0 Downloads today12,633 Downloads total10 commentsUser rating16 said thankspublished Fri, 16 Sep 2016 18:17:59 GMT in - 2000-5000erFull washableIndoor SoundOpening rear windowChanging a wheelsAnimated hydraulicFront weight on the keyWork light, turn signals, brake lightsPanel ICSpeedometer and tachometerLog is clean
John Deere 8520r
v 4.10 Downloads today2,564 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 09 Sep 2016 11:10:45 GMT in - 8000erJohn Deere 8520
John Deere 7810
v 1.00 Downloads today6,583 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Tue, 06 Sep 2016 19:05:08 GMT in - 7000erJohn Deere 7810 by SP
featured John Deere 5080M Washable
v 1.00 Downloads today4,650 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Thu, 25 Aug 2016 09:31:02 GMT in - 2000-5000erJohn Deere 5080M wash fashionable version v1.0 features: -Washable -Movable Front axle -Change Wheels (wheel interrow) -key 4 -FL Console on the button-key 6 -Folding Front arm -Indoor sound...
v 1.00 Downloads today3,104 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sat, 20 Aug 2016 20:52:13 GMT in - John DeerePower - 100 hp lighting add Cab dual wheels front Loader The dust from the wheels Traces of wheels Dirt / Washable Walter98, FIAMM, cjwilksy, Skoomalegend
featured John Deere 4755
v 2.21 Downloads today29,701 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating34 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Aug 2016 13:26:35 GMT in - 2000-5000erSpecialization: animatedVehicle motorized Steerable drivable cylindered hirable aiTractor bunkerSiloCompacter honk indoorHud mountable washable hydraulicAnimations cardanShaft Interactive...
featured John Deere 8520 FH
v 2.0 Washable0 Downloads today18,413 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating46 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Aug 2016 09:21:21 GMT in - 8000erJohn Deere 8520 FH v1.0 features: -Opening Bonnet (Panel IC) -Ability To open the left door on the outside of the tractor (outside-key R) -Animated joystick -removed All detected errors -New...
John Deere 7810/7710
v 0.9 Beta0 Downloads today15,567 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating23 said thankspublished Mon, 08 Aug 2016 19:11:16 GMT in - 7000er Hey meine Lieben Freunde :) Da nun bald der LS17 vor der Haustür steht und ich zur Zeit nicht wirklich zum weiterbauen komme, möchte ich...
John Deere 8370R
v 1.01 Downloads today5,947 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Mon, 01 Aug 2016 13:18:06 GMT in - 8000erIN PACK:John Deere 8370R With Front HydraulicJohn Deere 8370R With front Weight INFO: Full washable with normal map texture
v 1.00 Downloads today2,833 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating8 said thankspublished Mon, 18 Jul 2016 21:25:24 GMT in - 6000erIndoor Sound Opening rear Scheibel Animated hydraulic Work light, turn signals, brake lights Panel IC Speedometer and tachometer Log is clean
John Deere 7530 Premium Textur
v 1.10 Downloads today1,830 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sat, 02 Jul 2016 12:09:36 GMT in - 7000erhi Guys Today, I present you a texture for the John Deere 7530 Premium from Nefarius88 So what I did: the made everything black the rims are silver (have a HEX code from the internet used for...
John Deere 5080R Washable
v 1.00 Downloads today4,932 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating7 said thankspublished Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:38:57 GMT in - 2000-5000erJohn Deere 5080R Washable version v1.0 features: -Washable -Change Wheels (wheel interrow) -key 4 -FL Console on the button-key 6 -Indoor sound -Work Light, turn signals -Front Weight on the...
John Deere 8530 (with FH)
v 1.01 Downloads today13,899 Downloads totalUser rating5 said thankspublished Sun, 19 Jun 2016 16:21:37 GMT in - 8000erEigenschaften von mod: Waschbar reifenDoppelräder Interaktive Steuerung (Türen, Heckscheibe, Maske, Fronthubwerks und andere)BeleuchtungPflügen SpecTachometer und Drehzahlmesser Zusatzgewichte in...
featured John Deere 7530 Premium
v 2.03 Downloads today88,122 Downloads total64 commentsUser rating106 said thankspublished Wed, 08 Jun 2016 16:45:59 GMT in - 7000er Hello dear friends of Agriculture, There is another small "goodies" to the uploading. I'm not a professional in terms of modding...
John Deere 8520 Front Weight Version
v 1.01 Downloads today4,195 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating19 said thankspublished Wed, 08 Jun 2016 02:59:07 GMT in - 8000erJohn Deere 8520 Front Weight Version v1.0 features: -Opening Bonnet (Panel IC) -Front Weight on the button-key 7 -Animated joystick -Darker Dynamic Exhausting System -Corrected Ploughing Spec...
John Deere 7530/7430
v 2.00 Downloads today4,158 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Sat, 04 Jun 2016 09:06:49 GMT in - John DeereProperty me a John Deere rebuilt the model comes from the Ls 13 fande it in Ls 13 has always been very nice and have it now on a Ls 15 model I built say it before anybody, he does not like need him...
featured John Deere 7930
v Final3 Downloads today107,634 Downloads total281 commentsUser rating237 said thankspublished Thu, 26 May 2016 19:06:25 GMT in - 7000erHallo liebe Freunde der Landwirtschaft, Nach langem hin und her und ewiger Umbauzeit, habe ich mich entschlossen zu Ostern ein kleines „Schmankerl“ hochzuladen. Ich bin keine Profi was modden angeht...