Combines & Excavators - Combines & Excavators
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featured Crown BigX 1100 Color Edition
v 15.0.10 Downloads today5,179 Downloads totalUser rating24 said thankspublished Sun, 04 Jan 2015 11:17:44 GMT in - KroneIf even color choice then right .... I've even set the crown and ran BigX 1100 with my plasma cutter severs to what color also to have color choice. Everything else is still original.
Enisei 1200
v 1.01 Downloads today1,301 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:06:00 GMT in - Other manufactorsInformation: Combine capacity : 4.500 kg Combine price : 57632 € Combine header price : 2600 € Multiplayer supported. Credits: voyagerme
John Deere 1270E
v 3.00 Downloads today13,993 Downloads total34 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Fri, 02 Jan 2015 08:18:42 GMT in - Other manufactorsEndlich ist unser John Deere 1270e it4 fertig ! -Er wurde auf der basis des scorpion gemacht -Hat einen neuen kran bekommen -Man kann die Farbe der Rader wechseln -kran verfolgung -schneidlenge...
featured Kone Big M500 ATTACH
v 2.00 Downloads today58,392 Downloads total46 commentsUser rating71 said thankspublished Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:25:00 GMT in - KroneHey thereHere did harvester grass with the possibility of hooking the trailerlighting fixtures havecan be washed I have a desire to yuolshoe sdklat for you very good quality truck but there is...
featured Modset T174 2B
v 1.00 Downloads today32,135 Downloads total75 commentsUser rating84 said thankspublished Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:24:46 GMT in - ExevatorsModpack T174-2B V9 LS15 The old friends from the LS2013 is now entlich LS15 fit. New features were added together and known improved. User manual is in German and English. Is Modpack as a zip file...
Massey Ferguson harvester
v 1.00 Downloads today2,163 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 30 Dec 2014 20:14:53 GMT in - Massey FergusonI have made ??this harvester on request, He is a UMGESKINNTER sambo harvesters who does not want him NOT STORE AND SAVES YOU STUPID COMMENTS WISH YOU ENJOY UNIMOGFAN 2.0
pickup snowplow
v 1.00 Downloads today8,156 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:50:25 GMT in - Exevatorsit's a pickup with a snow tiller Forne drann
Liebherr L 538 Big Wheels
v 2.00 Downloads today3,033 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Mon, 29 Dec 2014 21:19:00 GMT in - ExevatorsThis is a Liebherr L538 tire widths with whom he does not like it do not need it to download saves you please Stupid comments fun Wants Unimogfan2.0
Ponsse Scorpion Gelände tauglich
v 1.12 Downloads today8,706 Downloads totalUser rating10 said thankspublished Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:15:28 GMT in - Other manufactorsHello Here I present my modified Ponsse Scorpion Erhat now receive proper swing axles and diff changed! Have fun with it
Krone BigX 1100 Black Edition
v 1.10 Downloads today8,813 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Sun, 28 Dec 2014 15:16:33 GMT in - KroneHello here I have the "crown BigX 1100" in the "Black Edition", which I gladly present you provided. All models are equipped with the usual standard features, additional small settings in the xml...
Deutz Fahr 7545 Super Flex Draper
v 1.00 Downloads today5,101 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating20 said thankspublished Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:07:47 GMT in - CuttersDeutz Fahr 7545 Super Flex Draper Hey guys, you offer my Deutz Fahr 7545 Super Flex Draper Suitable for Deutz Fahr 7545 RTS. It is the original Case cutting with Deutz skin. Skin for Deutz Fahr...
Claas Lexion 770
v 1.00 Downloads today15,693 Downloads total29 commentsUser rating27 said thankspublished Sun, 28 Dec 2014 07:33:20 GMT in - ClaasHere I once got the green and white version of Claas Lexion 770, he also runs with the standart scripts Grain tank capacity 12500 l 586 hp Animated ejection rotors Animated flap for straw ejection...
Claas Lexion 770
v 1.0 American Version0 Downloads today6,174 Downloads total35 commentsUser rating23 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Dec 2014 09:06:22 GMT in - ClaasI once got my Claas Lexion 770 LS 13 taken after 15, the mod runs with the default scripts Grain tank capacity 12500 l 586 hp Animated ejection rotors Animated flap for straw ejection Folding...
Lizard telescopic loader bucket
v 1.02 Downloads today5,597 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating7 said thankspublished Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:40:49 GMT in - TelehandlerHello, Here is the original telescopic loader bucket from the LS15. The blade was edited by me and is now 11700l load. In the shop, the blade will cost € 4,200. The maintenance costs are 5...
Lizard Wheelloader Shovel
v 1.00 Downloads today20,605 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating21 said thankspublished Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:03:00 GMT in - ExevatorsHello, Here is the original Radladerschaufel from the LS15. The blade was edited by me and is now 15300l load. In the shop, the blade will cost € 5,600. The maintenance costs are 5 € / day...
NH CR1090
v 1.0.20 Downloads today11,241 Downloads total32 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:11:00 GMT in - New HollandDescription: Package contains: – Used NH CR1090 version on tracks price: 430000 cap. 14500 tank – Used NH CR1090 version on 2x wheels Price: 415000 cap. tank 14500 – newHolland Header40 price: 65000...
liebherrL540 loaders
v 1.11 Downloads today14,309 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:42:00 GMT in - ExevatorsNow You can haul more load without rear weight liebherrL540 wheel loader V1.1 with back links for Standred and Mod wieghts. 20000kg Bucket Capacity for all standerd Fruits. Added 2.5 Tons Suer...
Liebherr 900C Litronic
v 1.12 Downloads today60,649 Downloads total61 commentsUser rating31 said thankspublished Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:52:17 GMT in - ExevatorsLiebherr 900C Litronic LS2013 version modified to LS2015 All credits for the model go to Ferdzaza/Ombelis Fully functional (Only wheeled version...
featured KRONE BIGX 1100 WITH 100K
v 1.20 Downloads today18,682 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Thu, 18 Dec 2014 04:57:45 GMT in - KroneStevie mod update "KRONE BigX 1100 WITH CAPACITY 60000 V1.1". Improvements: Increase in discharge rate. Increased internal storage capacity of 60k to 100k Original Price: 415000 More information...
John Deere S680
v 1.0 Demo1 Downloads today8,646 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating15 said thankspublished Thu, 18 Dec 2014 04:03:34 GMT in - John DeereHi all, I find myself busy: because with work in real life, and I'm not spending no time at all to modding I Decided to post the John Deere S680 dual wheel in his version demo, to add some more variety...