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AutoDrive courses "The French Plain" (final version)
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AutoDrive Courses "The French Plain
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featured MultiOverlayV2 Hud ArtDesign
v 1.53 Downloads today3,254 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Sun, 13 Nov 2016 18:54:25 GMT in - AddonsMultiOverlayV2 Hud ArtDesign
Seed fertilizer pig feed XL
v 1.1 Animation3 Downloads today9,480 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating44 said thankspublished Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:53:52 GMT in - AddonsRefill for Sattgut, fertilizer and pig feed.
v 1.11 Downloads today19,783 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating88 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Nov 2016 12:27:26 GMT in - AddonsFS17 GPS HARD HUD MOD by Andrey Hard
featured Multi Overlay ArtDesign
v 1.410 Downloads today8,984 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating72 said thankspublished Fri, 12 Aug 2016 08:50:28 GMT in - AddonsThere artDesigns for multi overlay V2 Hud Mod v.0.9 and higher. Caution !! Addon lst incompatible with the normal multi overlay Hud !! Multi Overlay V2 Hud is provided only at the WE Online !! Who...
Manual Attaching
v 1.00 Downloads today4,563 Downloads totalUser rating1 said thankspublished Mon, 20 Jun 2016 13:03:12 GMT in - AddonsThis mod enforces you to attache / detach tools and trailers manually We hope you enjoy this mod!
American Outback PDA
v 1.10 Downloads today2,176 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Thu, 19 May 2016 14:23:23 GMT in - AddonsHere is an updated version of the map PDA with the missing entries. Simply insert into the Map archive and provided there overriding. Who do not know how he will do that, this mod should not download...
v 2.11 Downloads today14,305 Downloads totalUser rating57 said thankspublished Sat, 21 Nov 2015 11:56:00 GMT in - AddonsSosnovka addonThis is to add storage of straw grass forage chaff silage and manure with conveyor belt and their is a unload for bale to convert to manure allso liqudmanure stoage and the wool pallet...
featured MultiOverlay Hud (addon) artDesign
v 1.49 Downloads today7,220 Downloads total20 commentsUser rating40 said thankspublished Sun, 30 Aug 2015 15:54:10 GMT in - AddonsHier gibt es artDesigns für den MultiOverlay Hud Mod v.1.2 und höher. Wer das Standart artDesign nicht mag und ein wenig Abwechslung haben möchte, der wird hier in Zukunft entsprechende Alternativen...
Alignment Helper
v 1.12 Downloads today7,282 Downloads total44 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Sun, 01 Feb 2015 11:07:21 GMT in - AddonsThis Mod helps to align your vehicles. Ctrl + right Mouse => (de)activate Ctrl + scroll => change the width
featured Westbridge Storage addon
v 3.02 Downloads today17,088 Downloads total44 commentsUser rating37 said thankspublished Thu, 08 Jan 2015 13:04:42 GMT in - AddonsFeed and Manure Storage addon for Westbridge Hills Feed and Manure Storage addon for Westbridge Hills Mod Details The warehouse is designed to map Westbridge Hills.Simply add to the mods folder and...
featured Feed Storage addon Bjorn Holm
v 3.04 Downloads today18,977 Downloads total43 commentsUser rating47 said thankspublished Thu, 08 Jan 2015 13:04:19 GMT in - AddonsAnimal Feed Storage addon for Bjorn Holm Map V.1.1.2 Added Marhu's Feed Mixing Station V.3.0.0 MixRation tip trigger at froge store. improve improvement chaff conveyor system paricals...
Brighter Real Night
v 1.13 Downloads today5,705 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Sun, 23 Nov 2014 00:25:04 GMT in - AddonsBrighter Real NightWon't work on low details!Version 1.1 changes:- Fixed shadows- Adjusted daylight to match original daylightIf night is still too dark, leave comment and I will release another version...
Real Night
v 2.35 Downloads today21,935 Downloads total43 commentsUser rating30 said thankspublished Sat, 22 Nov 2014 10:33:00 GMT in - AddonsFarming Simulator 2015 Real Night WON'T WORK ON LOW DETAILS!Version 2.3 changes:- Fixed shadows- Adjusted daylight to match original daylight Circus tent shine bright blue at night but it is single...
Beacon Light Mod
v 1.50 Downloads today14,851 Downloads total26 commentsUser rating31 said thankspublished Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:33:06 GMT in - AddonsBeaconLight Mod from AlfamoddingTVHello, people,today I would like to present you my BeaconLight Mod.One adds this Mod to the standard truck 2 Beacon lights.And the Fliegl low loader an Beacon light...
Güllemod Titanium
v 1.12 Downloads today7,692 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:35:19 GMT in - AddonsI have range puts me time and a mod designed the can on the Titanium Map thereby incorporating the cow pasture and on the BGA this MapHoseRefillStation her the manure spreader from Modcontest connect...
featured Westbridge Hills cattle and pig
v 1.1Final6 Downloads today15,058 Downloads total83 commentsUser rating31 said thankspublished Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:56:00 GMT in - AddonsHier haben wir für Euch für das Titanium Addon ( >> Kaufen fals Ihr es nicht habt << ) ein Zusatzaddon. Dieses Zusatzaddon fügt Euch auf dieser Map die RinderMast und SchweineMast hinzu...
v 1.02 Downloads today8,429 Downloads total41 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Mon, 04 Nov 2013 20:13:00 GMT in - AddonsRent instead of buy! This small addon adds any Modfahrzeug add a Mietfunktion.Here, rental costs for the period of use until the return is due, which will be deducted from your account every hour...
Westbridge Hills food storage and display addon
v 1.00 Downloads today6,813 Downloads total28 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:26:00 GMT in - AddonsHello community. Here I present you a food storage available, suitable for pig and cattle fattening. 1 feed store in cattle / pig fattening 1 feed store in cows Digital level display in the...
Lights addon Westbridge Hills
v 1.00 Downloads today4,602 Downloads total28 commentsUser rating11 said thankspublished Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:52:00 GMT in - AddonsThis addon adds the addon Map West Hills Bridge traffic lights, traffic lights then regulate the traffic at intersections. The traveling show will stop at the crossroads!! You need only download the...
SMA textures
v 1.02 Downloads today1,007 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Fri, 04 Oct 2013 19:02:00 GMT in - AddonsHello LS community,Some have since requested a new texture for the pig v 1.0.3,I made two alternative textures. The Installation: (this is relatively simple) Download zip file unzip pigsty02_diffuse...