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Category Exevators
Claas Torion 1511 - German fire brigade/THW
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over 2 years
Menzi Muck M545
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over 2 years
Paus TSL 8.7
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about 3 years
Claas Torion639/ Liebherr L508compact
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over 3 years
Claas Pack
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over 3 years
Volvo ECR145EL
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almost 4 years
featured LizardRadladerSE
v 1.10 Downloads today17,114 Downloads total77 commentsUser rating94 said thankspublished Mon, 23 Sep 2013 06:18:00 GMT in - ExevatorsHi LS community,I have decided once the Lizard loaders. Actually, I just wanted to reskinning it, but then I started to tinker;-)What is special about this mod:new skinNew skin drivertire dustLanes...
Cat 345B Shovel
v 1,10 Downloads today8,069 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Sat, 17 Aug 2013 15:14:00 GMT in - ExevatorsHi everyone, here is an updated 345B Shovel for Cat the Cat Fleet. This shovel has greatly improved the attacher joint so it does not jump around When you make contact with the ground. For more information...
Cat 980H
v 3.00 Downloads today17,858 Downloads total20 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Thu, 08 Aug 2013 16:54:00 GMT in - ExevatorsTip Trigger Update Hello everyone, After reports of dificulties of loading trailers and loosing fruits we have rectified the problem and now you can load trailers with ease. I have upload a video...
Cat Low Loader
v 1.0 Update0 Downloads today35,563 Downloads total22 commentsUser rating20 said thankspublished Fri, 02 Aug 2013 09:54:00 GMT in - Exevatorshallo an alleDies ist der Cat Tieflader aus der "Cat Flotte laden" Wir haben den Boden und den Col RB an der Rampe befestigt. Es ist nicht mehr sinkt, wenn es in der Standard-Fahrzeug-Shop Boden laicht...
featured Cat Fleet
v 1.0 FINAL1 Downloads today146,010 Downloads total278 commentsUser rating206 said thankspublished Wed, 31 Jul 2013 00:31:00 GMT in - ExevatorsHallo LS-ComunityEs ist soweit sterben Cat-Flotte in zusammenarbeit von Getsome2030, Goelm und GHOST78 Entstanden Ist Ist gerade beim Händler eingetroffen sterben!Mit der Dabei-Sind Cat Dumper 725 mit...
Cat 345B Pack
v 2.10 Downloads today36,815 Downloads total28 commentsUser rating18 said thankspublished Sat, 01 Jun 2013 15:09:00 GMT in - Exevatorsat 345B Excavator version 2.1 "Heavy" In this version the weight (mass) has been increased to "190" to compensate for the track movement while turning the turret, I also slowed down the movement so...
Cat 345B Pack
v 2.00 Downloads today17,213 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating18 said thankspublished Fri, 31 May 2013 04:16:00 GMT in - ExevatorsCat 345B Excavator and Shovel V2.0 All credit for the Mouse Control Function goes to ieg53i, without his efforts this release would not have been possible, thank you ieg53i. I would also like to thank...
v 2.00 Downloads today2,318 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Sat, 25 May 2013 12:36:00 GMT in - ExevatorsHere you V2.0 with improved ungehn two round bright schlider off and so on visit but times
Weimar T 174 2
v 4.1 mit Schaufel und Greifer Alternative Tipping0 Downloads today8,211 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating19 said thankspublished Fri, 24 May 2013 10:36:00 GMT in - ExevatorsT 174 2 Ab 1972 war eine weitere Version verfügbar. Wesentliche Veränderungen brachte die Überarbeitung des Unterwagens und die Anbringung einer hydraulischen Abstützung. Dies ermöglichte eine Steigerung...
featured Cat 966H AttachableObjects
v 3.10 Downloads today28,302 Downloads total26 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Sun, 19 May 2013 10:28:00 GMT in - ExevatorsV3.1 Allrad (zuschaltbar) Zwillingsbereifung vorne (zuschaltbar) Es gab schon im V1-V3: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alle Frontladertools...
T 174 Blue
v 4.00 Downloads today2,899 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Fri, 17 May 2013 05:34:00 GMT in - ExevatorsThis is the T 174 to complain Blau.Nicht the permit is available from IEG53I === ===!! This is to NOT use this to scoop and grab your would also invite the Yellow M 174!! You can find it here >>...
T 174 Green
v 4.00 Downloads today2,224 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Fri, 17 May 2013 05:32:00 GMT in - ExevatorsThis is the T 174 in green. Eh, there are now bleating it into the yellow are already stay calm because I have borrowed the PERMISSION of Ieg53i === === caught!!! Thank you very much for that...
featured T174 2
v 4.0 mit Schaufel und Greifer0 Downloads today28,424 Downloads total101 commentsUser rating99 said thankspublished Wed, 01 May 2013 20:06:00 GMT in - ExevatorsHier ist die V 4.0 T174-2 mit einer Schaufel und einem Greifer Dieser Mod ist log-Fehlerfrei und funktioniert auf der Standart-Map und auf Mod-Maps einwandfrei. Es sind keinerlei nochträgliche...
featured Cat 345B Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today67,223 Downloads total119 commentsUser rating87 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Apr 2013 06:27:00 GMT in - ExevatorsCat 345B Excavator and Shovel v1.0 Original text in English below. Hallo an alle, nach creatating einige Verwirrung durch die Einbeziehung der Cat 345B in den Bildern mit meiner Katze 980H Upload...
Cat 980H
v 2.00 Downloads today33,830 Downloads total45 commentsUser rating34 said thankspublished Fri, 05 Apr 2013 20:35:00 GMT in - ExevatorsHello everyone, This is version 2.0 of the cat 980H wheel Loader, in the file there are two versions and you need to unzip the cat980H_V2_UnzipMe...
Cat 980H
v 1.00 Downloads today23,233 Downloads total20 commentsUser rating27 said thankspublished Fri, 29 Mar 2013 16:40:00 GMT in - ExevatorsHello, For those of you who are not content with the Lizard Wheel Loader?I have the solution here is a representation of the Cat 980H Wheel Loaderin the zip file there are two versions Articulated...
0 Downloads today17,557 Downloads total34 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Wed, 27 Mar 2013 18:51:00 GMT in - Exevators
Radlader attachableSo Liebe LS-Zocker, nun geht es in die nächste Runde. Auf viele wünsche habe ich, mit Hilfe von DJCasper, Bergwout & Beetle von, meinem CAT-Radlader attachable...
Gehl 7810
v 1.00 Downloads today17,668 Downloads total29 commentsUser rating8 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:12:00 GMT in - ExevatorsThis is the kompacktlader gehl 7810 one is looking to fail with it and other farming equipment front loader fit on deutz frontloader driving Have fun with the mod! greet Mattes446
Lizard G920
v 2.01 Downloads today6,745 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Feb 2013 09:07:00 GMT in - ExevatorsThe Original Lizard G 920 Wheel Loader With Multi_Fruits. 14 FruitTypes: Wheat Rape maize Barley Potato SugarBeet Chaff Forage Silage Manure Grass Grass_windrow Wheat_windrow Barley_windrow Capacity...
JCB 3CX Backhoe
v 2.2 Fixed Bug when selling0 Downloads today12,064 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Fri, 22 Feb 2013 16:13:00 GMT in - ExevatorsThis is a JCB 3CX square cab model based on a late 80's/early 90's machine.Features:V2.2 - fixed script bug when selling or exiting game.- Converted for FS13 compatibility- ES Limiter (Speed Limiter...