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Category Buildings
Glulam hall with solar modules
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4 months
cannabis store store deko
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4 months
Multi production
Buildings with Functions
Placeable Objects
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about 2 years
Hemp Productions
Buildings with Functions
Placeable Objects
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over 2 years
Open Barn
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about 3 years
Faster Productions
Mod Packs
Buildings with Functions
Placeable Objects
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about 3 years
American house
v 1.00 Downloads today2,237 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sun, 29 Sep 2013 10:46:00 GMT in - BuildingsBARN v1.0 (Mapobjekt) Credits: GIANTS Merrical Xtras ekki Basic model of: BARN Models: Merrical Xtras Converted as well as I could (I'm not a Provider) about Google...
ADAC Breakdown
v 1.03 Downloads today7,517 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:39:00 GMT in - BuildingsAbschleppdienst v1.0 (Mapobjekt)Credits:GIANTSRalf GEkkiGrundmodel von: 3d Modell vom Abschleppdienst Schlimbach in KölnModelle von: Ralf GGrundmodel von: http://sketchup...
Stable variable
v 2.00 Downloads today2,029 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Sat, 07 Sep 2013 07:56:00 GMT in - BuildingsDa meine Halle in ihrer ersten Version recht guten Anklang fand, habe ich sie noch mal verfeinert und modular aufgebaut. Sie besteht aus acht einzelnen Teilen, die nach belieben angeordnet und verfielf...
Shelter 2-pack
v 1.00 Downloads today2,551 Downloads total10 commentsUser rating13 said thankspublished Wed, 04 Sep 2013 18:55:00 GMT in - Buildingshere 2 times Shelters for your map.
v 1.00 Downloads today1,019 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sun, 04 Aug 2013 08:19:00 GMT in - BuildingsHello modhostergemeinde As the name already say there are few buildings on the farm. A Hall Horses & Hogs & vehicles + Duck coop chicken coop Mesh fence 5 10 20 meters long and post...
Shelters bales vehicles
v 1.01 Downloads today1,066 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Mon, 15 Jul 2013 19:05:00 GMT in - BuildingsThere are three shelters. 1 Shelter shortly 2 Under normal status 3 Shelter long Another question send me a PM
v 1.1 Ohne Trigger0 Downloads today1,870 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Wed, 03 Jul 2013 19:37:00 GMT in - BuildingsThis is the new improved version of McDonalds. What is new: - Textures in dds format. - Realistic Scaling No trigger-
McDonalds Without trigger
v 1.00 Downloads today758 Downloads total10 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Wed, 03 Jul 2013 09:56:00 GMT in - BuildingsI geedacht me once shortly tion McDonalds to make for your maps!
Vehicle depot and gas station
v 1.00 Downloads today4,700 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Fri, 28 Jun 2013 14:19:00 GMT in - BuildingsHello community, Here is a truck hall with adjoining gas station trigger even if you have to set yourself up. This building must be inserted with the Giants in the Map Editor. You may obstruct...
v 1.00 Downloads today728 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 27 Jun 2013 20:38:00 GMT in - BuildingsThis is a farmhouse for mappers.
Large butcher
v 1.00 Downloads today3,810 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating10 said thankspublished Mon, 10 Jun 2013 04:17:00 GMT in - BuildingsMoinMoin I've made myself at it to build a large abattoir. It is my first mod and I hope you like it.
Aperture Laboratories building
v 10 Downloads today954 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Tue, 04 Jun 2013 17:25:00 GMT in - BuildingsThis small Dekogebäude is the headquarters of Aperture Laboratories in LS country. The building dates from the Demolition Company and has received from me just a different logo. Color and appearance...
Large warehouse
v 1.20 Downloads today3,053 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Mon, 03 Jun 2013 13:39:00 GMT in - BuildingsSun bug fixes (see picture) and a few small changes to the framework. I hope you like it now, and you can use it. The mod may not be used without permission, changed and uploaded again (on other platforms...
Large warehouse
v 1.20 Downloads today1,107 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 03 Jun 2013 04:26:00 GMT in - BuildingsImproved textures (dds)
Machine hall
v 1.00 Downloads today2,830 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sun, 02 Jun 2013 11:14:00 GMT in - BuildingsFrom my warehouse is short yet created a machine shop. I've changed something and not a gas station and a few pallets added (both Giants). I hope you can use it.
Shelter or ball bearing
v 1.00 Downloads today2,445 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Sat, 01 Jun 2013 21:51:00 GMT in - BuildingsHi there, my first mod please, do not be so critical Chris
Large warehouse
v 1.10 Downloads today2,797 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Wed, 29 May 2013 04:36:00 GMT in - BuildingsI have revised the hall again mingled with a bit. While not perfect yet but that is what I manage at the moment. What is new: Revised textures, Light holes in the roof and above the door (unfortunately...
Large warehouse
v 1.00 Downloads today2,912 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Tue, 28 May 2013 04:44:00 GMT in - BuildingsWell. Because I just craft a multi Grimme trailer, I figured once I build a warehouse where he can unload the many potatoes and beets. The hall is also equipped with conveyor belts in a later version...
v 10 Downloads today2,101 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sat, 25 May 2013 12:36:00 GMT in - BuildingsHello Dear Modhoster community! We hereby present to you our shelter available. Have fun with this shelter :) Sincerely yours MR Winkenhof
Mini Stable
v 1.00 Downloads today1,362 Downloads total18 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 05 May 2013 17:15:00 GMT in - BuildingsHello! This is my first mod This is a mod which allows you to sell grass. You have to install it with the GE. The butterflies eat the grass. In the later version of it eat the horses. Do not...