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Mods for Aground
Expansive mod
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almost 5 years
Planets Extended
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almost 6 years
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over 6 years
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almost 5 years
Tranquilizer Gun
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over 6 years
Bono Bobo Garbage Mod
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over 4 years
v0 Downloads today0 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 19 Mar 2021 11:45:21 GMT in - Items
Book of Vitality
v0 Downloads today10 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Mar 2021 22:20:27 GMT in - ItemsBook of Vitality I: You need five stamina for one unit of health. It can't be bound to magic staffs or equipped. There is an easy recipe for this but you do need a library. 6 fish scales 6 ink 12 health...
Better Shovels
v 1.0.00 Downloads today568 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 13 Feb 2021 14:34:42 GMT in - ItemsOverwrites the shovel and chromium shovel, adding a GUI that allows for you to fill blocks by clicking on them.
OP Projectiles
v 1.0.00 Downloads today219 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:23:38 GMT in - Items
OP Suit
v 1.0.00 Downloads today234 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:14:00 GMT in - ItemsThis suit is so overpowered... ...but the crafting recipe is HARD!
Evo Vampire Cape
v 0.1.00 Downloads today204 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 07 Nov 2020 17:01:49 GMT in - ItemsStill in BETA, all credits to VorTechnix for made the Original Vampire Cape Mod and the cost to make the Evo Vampire Cape is a bit Hard to make
Halloween 2020
v 10 Downloads today204 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 31 Oct 2020 13:43:32 GMT in - Items+Plaguebearer enemy +Headless Horseman enemy +Plaguedoctor mask +Plaguedoctor clothing +Plaguebearer lamp
v 1.0.00 Downloads today196 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 24 Oct 2020 23:39:30 GMT in - ItemsGetting Started After installing the mod, talk to the Miner to receive a basic Shifting Stone which allows for you to Morph into enemies. If you don't like to select from the list every time you want...
Cybersuit mod
v 0.0.10 Downloads today183 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 18 Oct 2020 12:49:04 GMT in - ItemsNpc called Nathancrafting structurenew material
Automated Suit Drone
v 1.0.00 Downloads today187 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 03 Oct 2020 03:10:23 GMT in - ItemsVery many people wanted to remotely control the automated suit. Now, that imagination has become a reality!This remote controllable automated suit has the following features:1.It can literally go anywhere...
v0 Downloads today214 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 02 Oct 2020 13:45:36 GMT in - Itemsthe mod is very early in development. fuck all work has been done towards textures and shit isn't even obtainable yet. WELCOME TO MICROCRAFTING HELL. it's like gregtech but for aground.
v 1.0.00 Downloads today204 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 02 Oct 2020 03:50:28 GMT in - ItemsMekaphelin has been split into three phases. Phase 1 - CybCats:- Focused around mostly around Mekaphelin Alpha the green planet in the system with some scattered devlopment of the others.- The system...
v0 Downloads today202 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 01 Oct 2020 22:32:55 GMT in - ItemsA lot of players assume Aground must be a platformer because of the side-scrolling view, and on this toxic planet, it really is! Jump dangerous pit traps, explore a large metroidvania-style level, upgrade...
Thirallan: Alchemist Edition
v 1.0.00 Downloads today191 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Tue, 29 Sep 2020 22:02:52 GMT in - ItemsThere are a few things to note currently: The mods that have been redone in this mod are as follows: Thirallan, The Realm of Dragons, Deathbourne, Robot Rebellion, and a completely new project. 2. This...
The Locatinator
v 1.0.00 Downloads today172 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 16 Sep 2020 20:55:20 GMT in - ItemsDescription This mod adds a single item - The Locatinator, a powerful high-tech tool that allows you to see what area is below you while in orbit. No more guessing where to land! Beware a lot of areas...
RLK Beacon
v 0.10 Downloads today167 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 15 Sep 2020 14:20:19 GMT in - ItemsYA1stMod. Basically a signpost that can be used anywhere. Got sick of having to guess how far around a planet I had flown while in orbit. Known issue: Initial deployment of the beacon will use the sign...
v 1.0.00 Downloads today178 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 14 Sep 2020 03:55:55 GMT in - Items(This is a post-game mod for magical path)Would you like to explore the secrets of a new place where you will find new resources, enemies, familiar, mazes, bosses etc? If yes then download/subscribe...
Tek Pack
v 1.0.00 Downloads today154 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 16 Aug 2020 12:01:21 GMT in - ItemsAdds A Tek Pack Mod
Mega Man Weapons
v 1.0.00 Downloads today153 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 15 Aug 2020 12:22:04 GMT in - ItemsAdds A Weapons From Mega Man Games
Dark Magic Mod
v 0.0.10 Downloads today172 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 11 Aug 2020 02:24:11 GMT in - ItemsThis mod is a submission for the event hosted by KOZ To go to hell you must first craft a demonic forge at a crafting table and then a demonic key using the demonic forge, after that go at the starting...