This mod is a submission for the event hosted by KOZ
To go to hell you must first craft a demonic forge at a crafting table and then a demonic key using the demonic forge, after that go at the starting area at the far left, next to the sand and start digging down, after around 20 tiles you should find a portal. Use the key to open the portal and you will be able to use it to go to hell.
This mod currently adds:
Hell: A new Area with new mobs and ores.
Demonic Forge: A crafting station to craft hell-related items.
Demonic key: Used to open the portal to hell.
Demonic daggers: A very powerful weapon that consumes stamina and shoots daggers at enemies, crafted at the demonic forge.
Demonium: An ore found in hell, used to make the demonic daggers.
Demon Skin: A crafting resource used to make the demonic daggers.
Demons: An enemy that deals a lot of damage and has a lot of health but drops demon skin.
NOTE:This mod is still in testing and items and enemies in it will receive changes. Most of the textures and names are just placeholders and will be changed in the future.
11 Aug 04:30Version 0.0.1
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