Additional tires for IHC 55er series of Cretan-Iceland.
Scale: 1:1
In this set, additional tires for IHC 55er series are included and can be attached to all IHC's the 55 series of Cretan-Iceland. These additional tire care include tires and wide tires once for the all-wheel version and the 2WD version. Additionally there is a range with dual tires on the rear axle in the set.
3D Model: Cretan-Iceland
Textures: Cretan-Iceland
Copyright © by Cretan-Iceland
I thank Manuel leithner which made possible its two scripts buyableCareWheels and buyableTwinwheels this function first.
It is forbidden to publish this work in the same, similar or modified form, without the author's consent, again.
It is forbidden to re-upload or publish this work in the same, similar or modified form again, without the permission of the copyright holder.
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Creative Commons License
IHC extra tires for the 55er series of Cretan-Iceland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-commercial - No Derivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on the work under
Additional tires for IHC 55er series "moreRealistic" (11.8 MB): (
3D Model: Kreters-IslandTexturen: Kreters-Island
Copyright © by Kreters-Island
08 Aug 12:47Version 1.2 MR
Reifentextur überarbeitet.
08 Aug 12:47Version 1.2
Reifentextur überarbeitet.
10 Jul 09:40Version 1.1
Fehler der Attacherzuweisung bei den Zwillingsreifen behoben.
09 Jul 13:26Version 1.0 MR
Dieses ist die moreRealistic Version der Zusatzreifen für die IHC 55er Serie
checksum: | 76eae0c0998b49ee40080cc45876bc10 |
Version: | 1.2 MR |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | kreters-island |
price in shop: | 1180 LS |
name in shop: | Kock und Sohn Allpass "MR" |
description in shop: |
Alpas-Zwillingsräder werden durch Andrehen mit nur einer Spindel an dem Schlepperrad befestigt. Durch den All-Position-Ring und die kompakte Bauweise des Systems ohne weitere lose Teile, ist eine schnelle 1-Mann-Montage gewährleistet.
3D Model: kreters-island (c) by Kreters-Island ( |
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