featuredSince it has been several inquiries to my sugar factory Search here for all the mapmakers something.
Mention in your credit would be nice.
- The buildings have a diffuse texture and normal map.
- Triggers are installed, located under the tower with the sign Carbonkalk a Kalktrigger for manure, dung, Kalkmod.
- Bands move.
- Sound Effects
It is an object that must be installed with the GE. A placeable version is not planned and making progress in the size of the system makes no sense.
It is prohibited to upload this mod again, not even in modified form! Please use the original download link!
-It Is forbidden to upload this mod again, even in the form of altered!
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Prašome naudoti originalus parsisiuntimo nuorod!
- Zabrania si WGra th mod jeszcze, w nawet zmienionej formie!
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- The zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu, a to i ve zmnné form! Prosím použijte Povodni odkaz ke stažení!
Modell: El CidTexturen: El Cid, CG Textures, GIANTS
01 Mar 15:11Version 1.0