The module includes:
ZIL-130 V1:
- Power: 110 kW / 150 hp;
- Speed: 90 km/h;
- Volume of a fuel tank: 360 l. ;
- Cost: €10,000;
- Choice of cabin color;
- Choice of facade color;
- The choice of the color of the emblem
- Choice of body color;
- Choice of rim color;
- Body configuration;
-Design configuration;
- Configuration of rotating repeaters on the wings;
- Configuration of fog lights;
- Solar band configuration;
- Configuration of the fan in the cabin;
- Configuration of a bucket on a pintle hook;
- License plate configuration;
-Wheel configuration;
- Dynamic pipes;
- Animated Devices, Suspension, U-Joints, Pedals, Shifter, Fenders;
- Work mirrors;
- Work lighting equipment;
- Leaves traces;
- Dirty and washable;
- Body volume: 7,000 / 8,000 / 14,000 / 3,000 / 5,000 litres.
Semi-trailer PS-1305:
- Cost: €7,580;
- Choice of primary color;
- Choice of rim color;
- Capacity configuration;
- License plate configuration;
-Wheel configuration;
- Dynamic pipes;
- Animated suspension, mud flaps;
- Work lighting equipment;
- Leaves traces;
- Dirty and washable;
- Capacity: 14,000 / 16,000 l.
SD Team-
01 Feb 12:47Version
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