Welcome to Yurihonjō! This map is a personalized adaptation of Hutan Pantai with an honorable Japanese touch.
- Revised textures for an authentic look.
- Adjusted traffic and traffic signs for better realism.
- Added small sales stations and a cement factory.
- Train length adjusted for a more realistic experience.
- Starting farm divided into multiple purchasable plots.
- Focus on rice farming with 4 rice fields, a pasture, and a greenhouse.
- Carefully designed starting yard with shelters and adapted vehicles.
Updates in Version
- Fixed errors after MultiTerrain angle update.
- Improved traffic signs and road markings.
- Added missing traffic spline on the beach road.
- Included new decorative objects (thanks to Oxygen David).
- Revised ambient sounds, including stork sounds.
- Fixed a helper/GPS bug for field calculations.
Start your journey in a new country and expand your farm to your liking. Be cautious when selling buildings in the starting yard to avoid floating decorative items. The surrounding areas provide excellent opportunities for farm expansion!
07 Jan 18:55Version 1.5.4
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