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Menu decoration - Windows Set V2
This V2 is a new mod. It can be used standalone or in the same game with V1.
You can set these windows on any facade.
Choose the elevation with the green arrows.
You can also choose a global horizontal level with a Spirit Level for all the windows of the same "Windows Decorations" monument. You have to hide the spirit level into the building before constructing it.
If you use a spirit level, then the windows becomes difficult to select. A workaround is to use the workplaces menu and select "Window set".
Even if you delete the spirit level then the related windows will keep their position.
The stained glasses are also available in the menu monument - Church - Additions to snap on the facade of a church (see picture)
Most of the windows are also available in the menu "Stone Gate Set V7" if you choose to load also this mod.
Mode "sandbox" by default (no costs). You can change _NoSandbox to 1 (or more if you wish a challenge) in Polymorph Games/Foundation/mods/83080/mod.lua
Thanks to Helron for the texture of the stained glass.
Thanks to Dynamite Tiger for the textures of the stained glasses for church.
And also thanks to Morkeoth for his "splendor" stained glasses.
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23 Nov 23:41Version 2.0.0
Fixes the buttress high
Fixes the spirit level
Adjusts the steps of the green arrows
Adds roof textures of monastery in the themes
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