featuredWelcome back in the river valley!
You take an repatriate court here in the river valley. With its 17 hectares of arable land and 4 acres of pasture, this courtyard is perfect for single-player or with a friend in multiplayer. Here you can extend his Old and young timers and agriculture play as realistic and welcoming as she was early 80s. The torrential valley lies in a landscape in the Black Forest-style, in the high-tech and bustle are not yet at the center. So just right for a few quiet hours in the game and TeamSpeak. Of course, the map only limited Curse Play, and also the weathering / Wither is on.
New in this version is a 40kW mini-biogas plant on the farm that takes in addition to silage and all types of fruit and bales of straw and cow dung. As part of this we have increased the silos on the farm on a realistic capacity. They now hold 650m3 silage (25m x 10.5mx 2.5m - round corners + compression = approx 650,000 liters)
In version 2.2 you can expect next to the BGA also includes 2 new fields with 0.5 and 0.78 acres on the plateau above the bridge and full UV errors. We have removed the still very power-hungry light sources and corrected several small errors. In addition, some items have been adjusted for your size. in the low polygon version for weak computers also further reductions were made in order to players with slower machines to allow the use of torrent valley.
I would like to express my thanks to the many people who told me tips and error, and have always been told on Facebook Comment. Thank you.
As with previous versions, of course, you can play your score further. Instructions for that below.
If you are looking only in quick, then a look at the screenshots and videos of us throw. There, everything is actually to look at game mechanics.
Description of the download links:
First link: high polygon version of the torrent valley V2.2
Second Link: Low polygon version of the torrent valley V2.2
Third Link: GRLE files, so you can continue playing your game. Description further down
I am currently hard at the Finster Brunner Map on building and thus the torrent valley first rest for a few weeks. I collect further requests, bug reports, criticism and praise for other versions. The next version will probably appear before June, unless any serious defects are found. slightly larger in the next update is planned, let yourself be surprised.
Age Score:
You can continue to play your old score only if your ADDITION down the third DL Link invites.
Brief explanation about grle files: These files to store the information, which tell the game where that plant is on the map. When the map is changed, the information is not given to the score further. The then you have to make by hand. To the grle files are necessary.
This link contains 4 grle files. These files must be in the folder of your game score. Here's how:
- You open the Windows Explorer, click, turn left at the top under "Libraries" to "Documents".
- Now you navigate to the subfolder My Games \ FarmingSimulator2013 \
- In this folder you seek euern savegame folder (Example savegame3)
- In this folder you copied the 4 grle files, overwriting the existing files
Done! You can close the Explorer and start the game. If you've done everything right, should the two new fields to be seen everywhere and the grass should be where it should go. :-) If you encounter any questions or are not with you works!, Wrote to me and we will try to find a solution together.
Now, as always, I wish:
Enjoy the game!
Greetings, and the quay of the Stormi kunds Modding
Deutz1997 : Die Ur-WildbachtalFatian (Feldwege;Straßen)
Dennis Busch (Waldschilder)
Modelleicher,Maxter (Hofobjekte)
Desperados93 (Mapobjekte)
FendtFarmer/Desperados93 (Brücke,Texturen usw.)
pAre (Hütte am See)
Unbekannt (Großen Stromleitungen)
IMarvin (Schlagbaum)
Mr F. (Foliagebäume,Plantagenbaum)
Giants (Standartobjekte)
MR-Klausen / thejohnderre7930 (Unterstand)
ka88 (Billinger Landhandel, neue Textuierung von El Cid: Danke an dich! :-) Nur Texturänderung von Stormbringer)
Buschi (Getreidelagerset, Kiefer, Sturmkiefer)
Tessmann85, ls-mod-tempel (neue Ground-Textur)
TyphoOn (Mini-BioGas Anlage)
Marhu (Wassermod / Futtermod)
MrFox, TheAgraama (Lampen)
TMT marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan (Guelle und Mist Mod)
Eifok-Team (Guelletrigger für Ihr Zunhammer Fass)
Feros (Jaegerzaun)
Farmer 14 (Zaun)
Nick98_1 (Teile des Schilderwald)
lsfamer2011 (Feld / Waldweg)
Tobsel88 (Basistexturen Foliagetrees)
L4Icce und Thorne (Gebäude des Alpenhofes)
borutcebulj (Bruecke)
Steffen30muc (Halle im AngererTal, Duenger und Kalkhalle)
Ceen und 4ndi (neue Texturen des Straßensets)
FendtFan1 (Waldbodentextur)
LwFarming (Maistextur)
Swat und LS-Landtechnik (Neue Fluss und Teichtexturen und das Gästehaus)
LS-UK (Ringfeeder and the AMAZING soilmod)
bm Modding (Bodentexturen)
-> Und ich, der Stormi natürlich :-)
Ich hoffe, ich hab Alle. Falls nicht, eine PM und Ihr werdet natürlich hinzugefügt.
14 Sep 22:29Version 2.5
Changelog 2.5
- gehäckseltes Stroh Mod verbaut
- Soilmod 1.2 Unterstützung: Wachstum alle 3 Tage Nachts um 3 Uhr
- Wassermod V3, nun kann man auch mit Standard-Wasserhängern den Tieren Wasser geben. Außerdem Trigger korrigiert.
- Freilandsilo im Tal hinzugefügt
- Biogas Anlage für die BGA Extension ausgerüstet, das Skript läuft nun auch auf der Wildbach Tal.
- Diverse kleine Bugs behoben. -
30 Jul 22:30Version 2.42
Changelog 2.42
- Planebug gefixed
- Unkraut hinzugefügt
- Wolletrigger um 90 Grad gedreht
- Ladebild gewechselt (Tipfehler im Text)
- Fussweg an der Straße hinzugefügt
- Fussgänger verbaut
- Wälder verkaufbar
- (mal wieder) neue Bodentexturen von BM Modding
- Neue Details
- Man kann nun den Schafen und Kühen Klee verfüttern
- Flussplane gefixed (mein Dank geht an Swat und die Jungs von LS-Landtechnik)
- Gästehaus am Angerer Hof (mein Dank geht an Swat und die Jungs von LS-Landtechnik)
- PH Wert Mod von FS-UK hinzugefügt. Es ist nun Beides möglich, wobei der Soilmod den Gülle/Mist/Kalk Mod überschreibt. -
21 Apr 11:49Version 2.4
Changelog 2.4
- Platz für die Forstmod Gebäude geschaffen
- Straßentextur von Fatians Set getauscht
- Schwaden ein wenig erhöht
- Ausmistfunktion im Kuhstall verbaut
- Zwischenlagerfunktion für Mist im Misthaufen verbaut
- Partikelsystem an den Kornrutschen gefixed
- Das Rutschen der Geräte und Fahrzeuge in den Hallen soweit es ging reduziert
- Storetrigger noch einmal versetzt und gerichtet
- Foliagetrees komplett überarbeitet, flimmern nun weitaus weniger, haben neue Texturen
- Angerertal mit dem Gasthof Angerer, einigen neuen Feldern und Weiden, neuem Straßenanschluss und vielen Details gebaut.
- Kiefernwälder eingebaut
- MapFertilizerMod verbaut, Kalk verbaut
- Duengerlager von Steffen30muc verbaut
- Grashöhe angepasst
- Mühlental gebaut mit Abladestelle Wassermühle mit Wasserrad, Wehr und komplett neuer Flussplane, 3 neuen Feldern und ein paar kleinen Wiesen
- Verkehr angepasst
- neue Pflanzentexturen verbaut, teilweise vom Forgotten Plants Set
- Schafweide verlegen mit allen Futter und Wassertriggern, Alte Schafweide umgewandelt
- Klee verbaut -
31 Aug 12:41Version 2.3
23 May 18:42Version 2.21
22 Mar 18:11Version 2.2
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
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by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
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by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 11 years
by KundS Modding
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ago almost 11 years
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ago almost 11 years
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ago about 12 years
by KundS Modding
ago about 12 years
by KundS Modding
ago about 12 years
by KundS Modding
ago about 12 years
by KundS Modding
ago about 12 years
by KundS Modding
ago about 12 years
by KundS Modding
ago about 12 years
by KundS Modding
ago about 12 years
by KundS Modding
ago almost 12 years -
by boeseroesi
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by Karvon
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by AMG Modding
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by Killercrock88
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by miegel
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by ModdingGott96
ago almost 12 years
checksum: | f112a6034c66b714ecbf30ac6d4dffbd |
Version: | 2.5 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Stormbringer - KundSModding |
price in shop: | -250 LS |
name in shop: | verkaufbare Feldrand Esche |
description in shop: | Verkaufbare Feldrand Eschen. Verkauft die im PDA markierten Bäume um mehr Platz für deinen Helfer zu schaffen. |
5 Comments for Wild brook valley
i cant get the doors working!
Hi there, what version is the Low Poly one atm? v2.3?
Hi there, which of the DL links is the "low" poly version? the high poly version brings my system to a crawl.
So I converted this to "MR" and it runs wonderfully, but beware the selling point for machinery will have you gnashing your teeth..It's extremely small and very little space to manoeuvre. You might rage quit a few
It certainly took a lot of jiggling to get a Claas 540 hooked up to a traler with a C750 on it..:) Rule of thumb here "Think Small"..Kudos 5*
Very good map, best one I played on for fs13 yet..but, when it comes to realism, which this map is very good at to, isn`t it also realistic to feed your sheep ?
The trigger in the bale ring is genious, but it`s way to hard to hit, as I am typing this I have used 15 minutes trying to hit it, the tipping icon shows up every once in a while but dissapeares just as all in all I have been able to feed my sheep only once..