Westbridge Hills

V 5.0.0 Final mod for Farming Simulator 15

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This is an edited version of Westbridge Hills. Some things have been moved, more objects have been added and a few areas opened up. Took A few mods and installed them via Giants Editor such as:

Mixing Station V3.0.0 By Marhu.

Westbridge Storage Addon By skjatala.




FEATURES V5.0.0 Final:

  • 2 Mixing Stations. The Mixing Stations are located in the cow zone.
  • Westbridge Storage Addon.

Again those 2 mods are built in to the map and are NOT needed!

  • Moved chicken coop area by sheep zone.
  • Added 2 Bale Storage areas lined up next to the cows shelter.
  • Slurry and Manure sell point (located at Biogas Plant).
  • Enlarged Some sheds to make them taller for equipment.
  • Added extra sheds in the North Eastern, Western, Southern fields and one additional in main farm area.
  • New textures for fields, crops and grass.
  • Removed drive in theater area. Area can be used to place Greenhouses and or Beehouses.
  • Resized fields 10 and 17.
  • Redesigned the cows area.
  • Replace logFountains with water pump stations by skeleton.



Kotte Universal V1.52 By Andy1978.

Krampe 900 S V1.5 By McKnight.

These mods are optional and are not required to use this map mod, however in order to sell slurry and manure you will need modded trailers to trasport manure/ unload slurry. Again no such mods are required however you will NOT be able to sell Manure or Slurry.



A .txt doc is in with the mod explaining how to change the viewdistance.



A .txt doc is in with the mod explaining how to create a pda_map.dds.


Change Log V5.0.0 Final

  • Recreated Storage mod.
  • Moved a few trees that were in the wrong spot from past edits.
  • Fixed some terrain issues.
  • Remove an Oil Jack in the NorthEast Field.
  • Removed a building in the NorthEast Field.
  • Change the Mods display images to make it more distinguishable from the orginal.


View the pictures for a visual understanding as to what was moved and where, the placement of the 3 mods, including areas that have been opend up.


Designed: Giants Software

Credits from other mods: Marhu,  skjatala, skeleton

Edited: McKnight

  • 21 Oct 17:05
    Version 5.0.0 Final

    1)Recreated the Storage mod.
    2)Moved a few trees that were in the wrong place
    3)Fixed some terrain issues
    4)Removed an oil jack in the North field area
    5)Removed a building in the North field area

  • 20 Jul 04:16
    Version 4.0.4

    Recreated Cowzone.

    Moved the storage addon.

    Moved mixing stations.

    Moved bale storage and reduced the number by 2.

    Moved / recreated Biogasplant area to combine the slurry and manure sell points.

    Changed the water points to be more relistic.

    Many other cosmetic changes.

  • 20 Jul 02:23
    Version 4.0.3

    Recreated cow area.
    Moved silo storage in cow area.
    Moved slurry.manure sell area.
    Many other cosmetic changes.

  • 05 Nov 20:53
    Version 4.0.2

    Fixed Floating objects.


checksum: 88151da56f917dda0bb8cee4fc6cce81
Version: 5.0.0 Final
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: lsfarming-mods.de
price in shop: 65000 LS
name in shop: Westbridge Hills II
description in shop: Dies ist eine geänderte Version des ursprünglichen Westbridge Hügeln.
checksum: 88151da56f917dda0bb8cee4fc6cce81
Version: 5.0.0 Final
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: lsfarming-mods.de
price in shop: 65000 LS
name in shop: Westbridge Hills II
description in shop: Dies ist eine geänderte Version des ursprünglichen Westbridge Hügeln.
checksum: 88151da56f917dda0bb8cee4fc6cce81
Version: 5.0.0 Final
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: lsfarming-mods.de
price in shop: 45000 LS
name in shop: Westbridge Hills II
description in shop: Dies ist eine geänderte Version des ursprünglichen Westbridge Hügeln.
checksum: 88151da56f917dda0bb8cee4fc6cce81
Version: 5.0.0 Final
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: GIANTS Software, McKnight
price in shop: 54000 LS
name in shop: Westbridge Hills II
description in shop: Dies ist eine geänderte Version des ursprünglichen Westbridge Hügeln.
checksum: 88151da56f917dda0bb8cee4fc6cce81
Version: 5.0.0 Final
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: McKnight
price in shop: 65000 LS
name in shop: Westbridge Hills II
description in shop: Dies ist eine geänderte Version des ursprünglichen Westbridge Hügeln.

29.06 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.75 / 20 Votes


nach 16 Stimmen

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V 5.0.0 Final
Farming Simulator 15
278 MB 2849
21. 10 2016 2,849
V 4.0.4
Farming Simulator 15
285 MB 1817
20. 07 2016 1,817
V 4.0.3
Farming Simulator 15
285 MB 439
20. 07 2016 439
1 ältere Versionen

10 Comments for Westbridge Hills

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  1. unregistered user 30. 06 2015


    Thanks for pointing that out I forgot to add those files. It has been fixed. The log is now clean in V2.2.

  2. oldtimermo 22. 10 2016

    I love it totally the way it should have been done the start with I and my wife play the first one about everyday we were raised on a farm and to dam old to do anything any more but why dint you put the Control Hud up at the top left us old f*rts have a hard time remembering our name least of all the controls thanks you guys are genus's. Hope you can read this some how. Don Hansen

    1 replies

  3. superhej 21. 10 2016

    will you convert it to FS17?

    1 replies

  4. farmer Damjan 31. 07 2015

    Where I find that V2.2 to download?

    1 replies

  5. farmer Damjan 31. 07 2015

    Map is very good. but from the silos where cows are you can not get nothing at all because it says that it is empty. Can you please fix it. Lp. Damjan

    1 replies

  6. very nice!!!!!! keeps getting better

  7. i have it v2.2 on a rented server and it runs smooth,no errors or warnings....i really like how you cleaned up the main farm area...very nice can't wait for v2.3 :)

  8. unregistered user 03. 07 2015

    I have added a slurry sell point. It will be in V2.3. I will upload it later today.

    1 replies

  9. anyway you can add slurry and manure sells to the map? nice work btw

  10. ZeParker07 30. 06 2015

    Sorry but my log file shows some errors...

    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/.../Westbridge_Hills_2/map/models/buildings/MischStation/particleSystems/PSHL.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/.../Westbridge_Hills_2/map/models/buildings/MischStation/particleSystems/PSDL.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/.../Westbridge_Hills_2/map/models/buildings/MischStation/particleSystems/PSDL.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/.../Westbridge_Hills_2/map/models/buildings/MischStation/particleSystems/MixerPS.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/.../Westbridge_Hills_2/map/models/buildings/MischStation/particleSystems/MixerPS.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/.../Westbridge_Hills_2/map/models/buildings/MischStation/particleSystems/MixerPS.i3d
    Error: failed to load particle system C:/Users/.../Westbridge_Hills_2/map/models/buildings/MischStation/particleSystems/MixerPS.i3d
