Iceland Volcano

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Here is The Volcano Iceland V2.0 map this is a rebuild for farming simulator 15 the original map is build for FS13 by Dajnet.

The Map is based on the Volcano Iceland.

I Hope everyone wants Enjoy the map.

Great thanks "Dajnet" who give permission to rebuild Map for Farming Simulator 15th

The map Has all the standard Crops, Wheat, Barley, Canola, Maiz, Potatos and sugarbeets


You can find in the map;

- Main Farm

- Transport Company

- Port

From -Wind

- Vechicle shop

- Biogas

- Biomass Heating Plant

- Grain Elevator

- Freight Yard

- Garden center

- Woodyard

- Forstry activitys

Mods added:

- Animal Feed Storage

- Feed Mixing Station Mod by Marhu Version: 3.0.0

- WaterMod by Marhu Version: 3.1.5

- MapSiloBand by Marhu Version: 2.6.0

 Cargo Ships unknown

What is Changed in v2.0

1.Added Manure slurry Sale Point near Port.

2.Added GuelleMistKalkModPack_LS15 by Marhu

3.Added Lime, Seeds and Fertilizer Silo Pack_GE_RC_Devil by RC-Devil




Download link:

unzip and copy pack from mod folder and past in your 

C: / Users / user name / Documents / My Games / FarmingSimulator2015 / mods /


originaly build for FS13 by Dajnet
Rebuild by Sk-Jatala

Feed Mixing Station Mod by Marhu Version: 3.0.0
- WaterMod by Marhu Version: 3.1.5
- MapSiloBand by Marhu Version: 2.6.0
- Cargo Ships unknown

  • 17 Dec 16:03
    Version 2.0

    added : Slury, manure and agricultural lime Mod
    added " Lime, Seeds, Fertilizer SiloPack
    Changed Volcano's Rock real texture

  • 04 Dec 07:50
    Version 1.3.6

    Volcano Island 1.3.6 MP

    Replaced : Pig fattening v 3.2.5 to Pig fattening v 3.2.7
    Added : Digital display (DigitalAmountMover) by VIPDani.

    you can continue with old save game in SP
    You must Start New game for MP

  • 30 Nov 15:10
    Version 1.2.5

    Default Vehicles available at start.
    Fixed all bugs.
    Added Pig fattening v 3.2.5b.
    Added cattle fattening v 3.2.5b.


checksum: 7a3503e9609fee3a6fda9d1032624b81
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Dajnet (Edited by Sk_Jatala)
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Volcano Island
description in shop: Das Hotel liegt im Süd-Pazifik wurde von den Eingeborenen, die hier als "Eyota Nuna Keezheckoni" oder "Great Land des brennenden Feuers" gelebt bekannt. Der letzte Ausbruch im Jahr 1631. Legenden erzählen, dass die Tore zu Himmel und Hölle liegen irgendwo innerhalb der Insel.

22.11 2014
Modhoster user rating
3.46 / 13 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 15
242 MB 2739
17. 12 2014 2,739
V 1.3.6
Farming Simulator 15
221 MB 1086
04. 12 2014 1,086
V 1.2.5
Farming Simulator 15
237 MB 1279
30. 11 2014 1,279

1 Comments for Iceland Volcano

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  1. BitkeZR 03. 12 2014

    first,,liked map.. just 3 days,,but liked..and also have a few question" \1 i dont find sell point for Liquid manure..are you have this on map ?
    and also, 1 bridge on lava river.. lover bridge, have some strange, ghost, point .. few times with truck i kick in some,and,,dont have what.. bridge is clear but have some problem on.
