V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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This is a PDA with similar functionality to the one included with FS13, for FS15.

The PDA is activated with I, the in game PDA has been changed to SHIFT-I. All controls can be modified through Options->Controls. [ / ] are used to cycle through screens, - / = are used to cycle through pages on each screen (cycle through animals, sell locations, etc) and 9 is used to toggle various stats, explained below:

 - Map (9 to toggle full-screen)
 - Weather / News, - / = cycle through days, 9 to cycle through news
 - Storage, - / = cycle through fruits
 - Prices of commodities, - / = cycle through sell locations, 9 to display more fruits
 - Finances, - / = cycle through days
 - Animals, - / = cycle through animals, 9 toggles between capacity and usage/production rates
 - Statistics
 - Fattening Installation, - / = cycles through animals

You can also use LALT-# (0-9) to quickly jump to a particular screen.

There is also an SDK which will be released shortly to allow add-on developers to built their own pages.


Simply place in your mods folder.


Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Mike Richer aka "Vanguard" - All rights reserved.

You are granted the right to to use this software as a mod in Farming Simulator 15 for personal use only. You may not copy or distribute this software, in whole, or in part.

Special thanks to "Chief86", "farmermatt2012", "Llogeyr" and "tuzlo", members of, for helping to test the mod out.

More details in COPYRIGHT.txt in the zip


Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Mike Richer aka "Vanguard" - All rights reserved.

You are granted the right to to use this software as a mod in Farming
Simulator 15 for personal use only. You may not copy or distribute this
software, in whole, or in part.

Special thanks to "Chief86", "farmermatt2012", "Llogeyr" and "tuzlo",
members of, for helping to test the mod out.

  • 17 Jan 19:22
    Version 1.0


checksum: c5ec82e4740c9260e9a9c786ec66b7cc
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Vanguard
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

17.01 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.79 / 29 Votes


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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
164 KB 11548
17. 01 2015 11,548

2 Comments for VG PDA

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  1. Totenfarmer 27. 03 2015

    I tried getting a response on FS-UK, but got none, is this mod supported at all ?
    Also, if you have more than the original fruits on a map this mod will not work as it should, as it doesn`t support scrolling down pages, I had to remove it when I got maps with more than 2 extra fruits.

  2. thomas112776 21. 01 2015

    letting you know that both pda mods does work for me sorry for the other message i sent
