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Credits:Model: Sandgroper
Textures: Sandgroper, contains textures from CGTextures.com
Ingame: Sandgroper
21 Apr 18:57Version
21.04 2011
noch nicht genug Stimmen
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21. 04 2011
2 Comments for US Red Roofed Barn
is an illegal upload!
farmer joe, du hinterlistiger Moddieb. Warst mal wieder kräftig in UK einklauen.
So was erbärmliches!
Hier übrigens noch der Originaltext der Scheune bei ls-uk, man beachte den ersten Absatz.
Downloading this file does not give you the right of re-distribution, do not upload to other sites!
If you use these mods in a map you intend to upload - please give me a credit
US Barn:
A 22m x 10m US style Barn with a red roof.
The concrete floor is optional and can be deleted in GE.
The doors are fixed on this one, so you cannot move them.
Use for whatever a barn is used for...
This is an original mod, based on similar Sketchup model seen on Google Warehouse.
This is *not* a sketchup conversion...
Copy the i3d and textures files to a folder within your map folder and add to map using Giants Editor as usual