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Farming Simulator 15 Update 1.4
- Visible distance of growing trees reduces (1.4)
- Improved performance with many pieces of wood (1.4)
- The input axes of the loaders and cranes can be assigned separately. (1.4)
- Button assignment optimized (1.4)
- Fixed crash at the end of the benchmark (1.4)
- Representation of Füllplane for fertilizer improves (1.4)
- Various vehicle and equipment fixed (1.4)
- BGA Silo: Can be better blank (1.4)
- Fix for HectarCounter Mod (1.4)
- Bale types of mods are loaded properly (1.4)
- Improving the drivability of the vehicles (1.3)
- Tree pruning works reliably (1.3)
- Program crashes with the wood cutting were fixed (1.3)
- Program crashes on 32bit computers have been fixed (1.3)
- Problems with movement of Jenz Hackers have been fixed (1.3)
- Network bandwidth used in multiplayer was reduced (1.3)
- Incorrect movement of trees in multiplayer Fixed (1.3)
- Visuale Verbesserugnen to Kuhn Profile1880, Case IH Quadtrac, Lemken Heliodor, Grimme Maxtron, Capello Quasar F4, Krampe SB 30/60, Liebherr Tl 436-7, Ponsse Scorpion King, Ponsse Buffalo, Jenz Hem583, Väderstad Carrier 820, Krampe BB 900, Deutz 6.61 (1.3)
- Error with the Church Clock Script in Mod Maps Fixed (1.3)
- Error attaching the seedling pallets Fixed (1.3)
- Incorrect placement of trees in the Map has been fixed (1.3)
- Disappearance of the texture field in the distance after the Remove From a swath Fixed (1.3)
- Capacity of the dunghill was raised (1.3)
- Loading times have been shortened (1.3)
- Performance has been improved when working in the field (1.3)
- Possibility chips abzukippen with a shovel into the heating plant was added (1.3)
- Crash when placing objects on the Mapgrenze (1.3)
- Multiplayer synchronization period was shortened (1.3)
- Incorrect field display under DirectX (Intel graphics cards) (1.3)
- Problem with the BGA silo when they are almost empty Fixed (1.3)
- Grimme Tectron overcharge Animation Fixed (1.3)
- When the minimap is disabled in the options, the Fullscreen option is now still available (1.3)
- Power demand of balers Fixed (1.3)
- Wrong sales price of seedlings were fixed (1.3)
- Problems with the washing is hanging devices Fixed (1.3)
- Display of capacity in the WebStats of Dedicated Servers Fixed (1.3)
- Save the multiplayer client permissions Fixed (1.3)
- Problems with the helpers have been fixed (1.3)
- Crash fixed on MacOSX if a gamepad is removed (1.3)
- Problems with the lanes have been fixed (1.3)
- Problem with the deployment of the combine harvester after resetting Fixed (1.3)
- Improving the drivability of the vehicles
- Improved differential lock (eg, better handling of Ponsse Scorpion)
- At the bottom of solid devices no longer randomly jump
- Improving the physics of cranes
- Jenz Hacker works reliably
- FSI ST65T more reliable
- Tree pruning works reliably
- Trees in Multiplayer stutter less
- Vehicles stutter less when trees are moved
- Limbing in multiplayer is synchronized
- Trees are worth a little less, especially when whole, not delimbed trees are sold
- The Poltergabel can now access individual strains
- Vehicles roll out more if you go from gas
- Various optical improvements to vehicles
- Several minor functional improvements to vehicles
- Performance and memory usage improvements
- Additional costs if the helper seeds, fertilizers etc. itself brings
- Various improvements of the helper
- Fixed Suspended vehicle when loading a savegame
- Improved geometry of silos
- Immenser Missions Time Bonus Fixed
- Incorrect assignment of values ??in the statistics was corrected
- Various translation fixes
- Improve the control with a gamepad or steering
- Dunghill has a greater capacity
- Mods can now display the time in the indoor Hud
- Reduced price of the high-pressure cleaner dramatically in use
- So that the trees fall Automatic creation of a Humboldt case notch with a chainsaw in the cutting direction
- Adaptive VSync can be disabled in the options
- The traffic can be disabled in the options
- The time until a vehicle is dirty can be adjusted in the options
- Increased Maximum cutting length of Ponsse Scorpion on 8 meters
- Charging times with mods were shortened
© 2015 GIANTS Software GmbH Alle Rechte vorbehalten.-
03 May 21:14Version 1.4
by GuenterSchmuel
ago almost 10 years
by GuenterSchmuel
ago almost 10 years
by Opel Corsa D Fahrer
ago over 9 years
by geierdup1
ago almost 10 years
by Karvon
ago over 9 years -
by B3nnyTV
ago almost 10 years -
by Karvon
ago almost 10 years -
ago almost 10 years
03.05 2015
Do you think this mod should be featured?
03. 05 2015
1 Comments for Update 1.4
I`ve downloaded this ***** I installed it and it tell me that it cant load game.xml file !!!