Added "PDA-map size" switcher, for use with smaller or larger maps. - Credits to DrUptown (FMC) for asking the question on GDN, and to Stefan Geiger (GIANTS) for answering.
Fixed path for "emptyGui.XML" (thank you Camelot.)
Fixed modDesc.XML 'utf8' to 'utf-8' (thank you jk1173.)
Re-coded to have custom modified speed/fuel/currency settings read from the UnitSwitcher.XML file.
Moved the UnitSwitcher.XML away from savegame<#> folders, and put it in the parent-folder instead, so settings are now "global", instead of "savegame"-specific.
Added "Hide HUD" and "Hide HUD even more!" functionality.
Removed the hardcoded ALT-key, as Knuuud showed me that it was actually possible to combine a modifier-key with a normal-key in the Options->Controls. (Press SHIFT/CTRL/ALT first, then the normal-key [A-Z,0-9].)
What can this mod be used for?
Have the icons on PDA-map be at proper positions for x-small, small, normal, large or x-large maps. Now the icons in the PDA-map can be correctly placed for non-standard terrain-sizes, like x4 or x16 maps.
Also to switch between;
km/h and mph (with proper conversion to mph)
litre, gallon and gallon(us) (with proper conversion to gallons)
$, €, GBP and more (no conversion, as exchange-rates are not known ;-)
... or other speed/fuel/currencies of your own choice.
How to use it?
Place the file in your mods-folder.
Once Farming Simulator 2011 is started, go into Options->Controls, and verify if you want to change the keyboard-bindings from the default;- Change PDA-map size: LEFT ALT V
- Change speed-unit: LEFT ALT B
- Change currency-unit: LEFT ALT N
- Change fuel-unit: LEFT ALT M
Do please note that, once in the game the helpbox will first display the keys when the modifier-key is actually pressed, so you do not end up with a huge helpbox. A modifier-key is; LEFT SHIFT, RIGHT SHIFT, LEFT CTRL, RIGHT CTRL, LEFT ALT or RIGHT ALT.
A text will appear for a few seconds at the bottom of the screen, telling which unit that have been changed to.
You need to save your game-session, for the chosen units to be remembered.
Hiding the HUD has four stages, that it loops through:
1) Show HUD as normal
2) Hide the lower right speed/fuel-panel
3) Warning text about the next stage!
4) Hiding every HUD, and unfortunatly makes it unable to rotate/zoom the camera, and also ignores certain keys.
How to add your own speed/fuel/currency unit
First you need to have been in-game and saved a game-session, to produce the settings-file, which then can be found in the folder;
- Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2011\
- Windows 7: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2011\
Use a text-editor like Notepad++ and open up the file; UnitSwitcher.XML
Hopefully by looking at the file contents, you should be able to figure out how to add your own speed/fuel/currency units.
Please note that the base for multiplying-factor is;
- for speed; KM/H
- for fuel; LITER
Example. Say you want to add a new speed-unit; "knots per hour". First you need to find out how many "knots/h" correspond to "1 km/h". I entered "kilometer to knots" in Google, and got "1 kilometer = 0.539956803 knots"
Now add a new line in the ... block;
You must quit and restart FarmingSimulator2011, to be able to reload changes that have been made to the UnitSwitcher.XML file.
Original UnitSwitcher by Knuuud & Daveaich of FMCScript v2.x: Decker
18 Mar 10:04Version 2.2
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