I have converted the caravan from LS13 and transformed him along with one of the standard vehicles to a caravan. If you add a mod in the modfolder, the caravan moves with the traffic.
The caravan is not buyable in the shop and therefore not useable for yourself (attach ect.)
- lowpoly
- Log error free
- Beta Patch 2.x not necessary
In v1.1, an error has crept into the lua, which was hereby resolved. (Thanks to Elmo_LS)
Please reload the zip!
Model + texture: Giants
Conversion + Ingame: Mike
This mod may not be uploaded to any other site!
Using the following links, but it can be presented on other sites.
You are not allowed to upload this mod to any other site.
If you want to introduce this mod on another site, Use the following link:
21 Sep 13:30Version 1.2
by likeMike_de
ago over 11 years
by likeMike_de
ago over 11 years
by likeMike_de
ago over 11 years
by likeMike_de
ago over 11 years
by likeMike_de
ago over 11 years
by likeMike_de
ago over 11 years
by likeMike_de
ago over 11 years
by FarmerP99
ago over 11 years
by FarmerP99
ago over 11 years
2 Comments for Traffic Caravan
Can you convert this mod to FS17?
nice mod its something diffrent to see when im driving around