Times and Seasons

V 2.0.3 mod for Foundation

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"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

This mod introduces Seasons, Weather, a Holy Month, and Random Events. It is an advanced mod that builds on other production mods I've developed. I suggest using Batyushki's Modpack so that you get all the modded production items to make it through winter.


One year in-game is divided into four seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). Each season lasts three months. Each crop or animal has two seasons of peak production and two seasons of lower production (see the table). During each season the temperature and rainfall will vary randomly. During warm periods with adequate rainfall, crop yields will increase. Cold weather, too much rain, or no rain for several weeks will cause yields to fall. Animals are also sensitive to high or low temperatures, and drought. During rainy periods outside of winter, pastures will grow better which gives a boost to flocks and herds.

You can track the current season and temperature in the toolbar. Temperatures range from 1 degree Celsius up to 25 degrees. Normal seasonal temperatures are 5 C in winter, 15 C in spring and autumn, and 20 C in summer.

You can see the current yield modifiers in the Village information window. Modifiers can stack, for example you could see a reduced Berry crop because of the seasonal modifier for Spring, and also for colder than normal weather.

You will need a wide variety of foods to make it through Winter. I recommend you focus on food and fuel production, store a large surplus in granaries, and make good use of the trading system. In the first year, focus on poultry and egg production since it requires no inputs and takes up less space.

Mid-Winter Fast (Holy Month)

This religious event lasts all of the eleventh month. During this period, the people will fast and pray to give thanks for the harvest and to gain favour with God the coming year. Fasting villagers require much less food and water, and will also refrain from buying goods or luxuries for most of the month. All workplaces will be closed except those which fulfil the needs of villagers (markets, churches, and modded workplaces like the fuel cart and town crier).

During the first week of the Fast, many villagers will make their last visit to the market to stock up on supplies. After this first week, revenue from markets will drop to almost zero. Your treasuries will empty as maintenance costs are still being paid but no new money is coming in. Construction projects will also pause.

Holy Month is a good time to plan large monument construction projects. Even if you don't have the gold or resources to build them immediately, you can lay them out to prepare for building in the spring. You can also use the time to decorate your village or lay out new fences and fields.

Random Events

Every month there is a chance that a random event will occur. These can be positive or negative, and sometimes you will have the choice of how to respond to an event. There are fifty different events, and a single event will never occur more than once every two years. Because many events require a certain building or population level, you will experience fewer events during the first year or two of the settlement. You will experience more events if you have more mods that add production items.

  • Troublesome Birds
  • Orchards Infested
  • Weavils
  • New Fashions
  • Potent Fertiliser
  • Blackfly
  • Flooding Upstream
  • Foxes Run Wild
  • Sour Milk
  • Blown Away
  • Murrain
  • Priest Defrocked
  • Stern Sermon
  • Mauraders
  • Buried Treasure
  • Shipwreck
  • Smugglers Caught
  • Thieves Caught
  • Guilds Revolt
  • Farmers Revolt
  • Land Grant
  • Refugees
  • Famine
  • New Breeds
  • Murder
  • Water weed
  • Travelling Blacksmith
  • Expert Cheesemakers
  • Skilled Woodworkers
  • Unhappy Bakers
  • Drowning
  • Massive Shoal
  • Guild of Weavers
  • Bad Flax
  • Ancient Battle
  • Barrels Afloat
  • Poachers
  • Great Feast
  • Damaged Thatch
  • Plague of Rats
  • Poisoned Well
  • Flying Sparks
  • Unfortunate Accident
  • Better Offer
  • Sheep Run Amok
  • Too Many Candles
  • Exodus


  • 26 Feb 19:43
    Version 2.0.3

    - Adds 25 new random events for a total of 47
    - Adds wool and flax production impacts for different seasons
    - Increases production of wheat, hops, apples, and grapes during summer
    - Improves the information that appears for seasons and events in the notifications and in the village information window
    - Updates localisation for 7 languages


21.02 2021
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Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von Foundation installiert.
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