Hello dear modder,
Your animals sweat?
Or your animals freeze?
So it went to mean also :-().
So I have done something for my animals, maybe you want to treat your luxury as well.
I offer you here for the decoration of your map an air conditioning for your stables.
Important data:
Heating: Heating: LPG
Heating capacity: 110Watt
Nominal heat: 13,1 Kw
Cooling: Fan power 14.5 Kw
Security: GS tested, Tüv until 06/2018
To the object
Do not yet manage with Blender etc., so I have created the heater with the help of the Giants Editor 7.1.0. Maybe my object finds the way to a few cards. Switches are included, but without animation and function, all is pure decoration.
If someone is able to see it somehow to animate, he can do this without permission, since I can not. Even if it can make someone placeable it should be desired that can be done gladly.
Thanks to Arii, who gave me the permission to use his fans for my object. The light switches are also from him.
freak36558 the plates are actually its wall from Old mining tunnel system V1.0 from LS2013.
fin050808 the pipes of the fans, as well as the flue pipe originate from its building material object V1 from LS2015
The heating pipes are actually a signpost from the road signPackV3.3.1 of Nick98.1 from LS2015.
The lattices are taken from the module Stackage from LS2017 by chtiseh.
The labels I created with the help of a sign, which is stored with me as a logo, unfortunately I do not know who put the when online, nevertheless I thank him or her likewise.
And the smoke comes from the original map and Giants also thank you for it.
I hope a few can use such a thing I myself have already installed it in my soon appearing V2 of the map Genthin.
Have fun at the game
Greeting Papaherz
Modell: Papaherz
Textur: Papaherz und Google
Idee / Konzept: Papaherz
Tester: Papaherz
Sonstige: Hilfe siehe Credits
07 Oct 00:24Version 2
Fehler beseitigt und zentriert, ist bei mir jetzt Fehlerfrei.
Heizung erweitert durch "Gasrohre". (Rohre sind aus dem platzierbaren Hofdiesellager für den LS17 von auwgl)
Wichtig bitte entpacken, Heizung und Schalter befinden sich in einem separaten Ordner. -
06 Oct 18:31Version 1
by Papaherz
ago over 7 years
by Papaherz
ago over 7 years
by Papaherz
ago over 7 years
by Papaherz
ago over 7 years
by Papaherz
ago over 7 years
by Papaherz
ago over 7 years
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