Welcome to Thuringia v2.0.0 16-fold,
Changelog v 2.0.0.
- Fixed all reported bugs
- Added a new shopping point for grains at the Thuringian Granary
- Added workshop at Reitsbergerhof
- Some trees moved
- Field 22 bump removed
- Graveyard: Tester buried
- Stobergungs Addon Ready (My pellets use the same fill type)
New save game needed
Thuringian Rostbratwurst, Thuringian dumplings and many other specialties from our state are synonyms for excellent products far beyond the state's borders. The basis for these products is efficient agriculture, which creates the basis for high-quality food and feed on over half of the country's area.
Due to the diversity of natural location factors in the natural areas, such as mean annual temperature, precipitation, altitude, soil, the suitability for agricultural use varies.
Grain grows on the largest proportion of Thuringia's arable land.
It is the basis for numerous products in the food industry, such as bread and pasta
but also beer and alcohol. It is also an important feed for agricultural animals.
The map contains 147 fields on which multi-crop (alfalfa, carrots, clover, hemp, lavender, spelt, millet, onion, poppy, red cabbage, white cabbage, rye, tobacco, triticale, hops, parsnips, beetroot) can be grown. The new animal system (FS22_EnhancedAnimalSystem) has also been installed, and there are also over 50 productions with more than 100 different products. 32 ground angles are also present as well as precision farming.
In the shop under the trailer category under miscellaneous you will find a Krone trailer for pallets that reduces the performance of the pallets and in the trailer and animal husbandry category there are 2 barrels that can load all liquids, harvest for tobacco and hemp are also included.
There are 3 built-in courtyards but also enough space to settle down and build something of your own.
All mods that the map requires are loaded automatically when the map starts.
The following applies to multiplayer: After starting the game for the first time and creating the farms, save and restart the server so that all IDs are assigned correctly!!!
Required mods (all from the Modhub):
FS22_A_ProductionRevamp (MinVer.:
AD courses will follow soon.
Danke Für die Hielfe: GvR,Farmer Marco, Toy, Ronny, Erich, MarkusTRLP, ThomasDtP, DMTSound, PatrickBGEM, Rene, MrLager, BlackSheepMpding, Pyjama Monster, Maxx, Martin/Cro[FBM], Achimobil, Mister_Mojo_AT, Sussi und Wingi, Farmer Andy.
10 Mar 16:57Version
1 Comments for Thüringen 2.0 16-fach
Wenn sich noch keiner getraut hat werde ich mal hier mal ein paar Worte des Dankes an den Modder und sein Team richten. Vielen Dank für die Zeit und auch das Hirnschmalz was hier in die Entwicklung dieser Karte geflossen ist und wohl hoffentlich auch noch fließen wird. Mach der Modvorstellung von "MichaausD" -auch dafür ganz herzlichen Dank - habe ich nach der Karte gesucht, sie dann hier bei Modhoster herunter geladen und meine ersten eigenen "Gehversuche" gemacht. Mir gefällt euer Projekt sehr gut. Nochmal vielen vielen Dank an euch.